Colombia | Restrictions to enter or leave the country during a pandemic | International Flights – Policy


After the announcement made by the Ministry of Health to abolish the requirement for PCR testing of coronavirus for the entry into the country of travelers from abroad, Migration Colombia announced the new provisions for the entry and exit of travelers from the national territory.

According to the director of Migration Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, the non-requirement of a PCR test to enter the country is a vote of “confidence in citizens and does not exempt travelers from their responsibility to refrain from traveling if they have related symptoms. with covid-19 “.

(You can read: They eliminate the covid-19 test requirement for travelers arriving in Colombia)

Here’s everything you need to know about the requirements for international travel:

What if you have symptoms of coronavirus?

The airlines will not allow the boarding of those passengers who present fever, cough, weakness or respiratory symptoms associated with covid-19.

What is needed prior to boarding?

Before boarding, passengers must present to the airlines, if they are traveling to Colombia, or to the Migration Officer, if the confirmation email of the Check-Mig application is leaving the country, which can be done through the website of Migración Colombia or by downloading the application found in the Play Store or the App Store.

(We suggest: International flights: countries that require Colombians to test covid)

What other conditions are required?

· Mandatory use of face masks, for those over two years of age, as well as other personal protection elements, established by the health authorities.

· The prohibition of entering the areas of Migración Colombia when it is indicated that the space does not have more capacity because it has the maximum capacity allowed.

· Maintain a distance of one meter with the filter of the Migration officer at the time of the immigration control process and two meters between travelers.

· Travel documents and other requirements must be out of protective cases at the time of being delivered to Immigration officials.

Travelers who enter the country using technological tools such as Biomig and Automatic Migration, They must present to the Migration officer of the area the confirmation email of the completion of the Check-Mig.

· In exceptional cases, the completion of the Check-Mig application will be allowed in handwritten form, in pre-printed formats.

Will you follow up on those who enter the country?

Yes. The follow-up will be in charge of the municipal or district health secretariats, as well as the EPS, and Migración Colombia will continue to send these agencies the list of travelers who enter daily.

(Further: What to do if a relative of yours dies abroad?)

Likewise, Espinosa pointed out that it is an obligation of the traveler to report, before the Ministry of Health and his EPS, if his health status changes after his admission or during the 14 days after the trip.

Which are the countries that have restrictions for the entry of Colombians?

Argentina, Chile, Spain, Germany, France, Canada and the Netherlands maintain entry restrictions for Colombians. For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that an equivalent temporary measure is being contemplated (which has not yet been implemented) framed in the international principle of reciprocity. In other words, the citizens of those countries could not enter the national territory either.

“Colombia hopes that with these countries progress will be made in the short term towards the opening of flights and the circulation of citizens, without restrictions, to favor mobility in all fields,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Do you have another question on the subject?

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Twitter: @LuisaMercadoD
