They take off the plane of Viva Air supposedly homeless


The video in which a man is taken from a Viva Air plane is being shared profusely on different social networks. Many assured, including media such as Minuto 30 and Noticias Caracol, that It was about a street dweller who had violated the security protocols of the El Dorado airport and had managed to sneak onto that flight.

“I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Does this happen at the safest airport in the country? A street dweller passes all security protocols and enters a plane? And the @PoliciaColombia? And the @AeroCivilCol? And the airline? Noooooo can be. Nobody answers for now ”, the journalist María Camila Díaz from W Radio published next to the video.

The short sequence shows the moment when the subject is taken out of the plane by a policeman while he screams. The passengers record the moment and some ask the man put on your mask, because you are screaming as you exit the aircraft.

“What an absurd thing“And” terrible “ were the words of two women inside the plane who could not believe what was happening.

After the viralization of the video, Viva Air gave details of what happened and clarified what happened, because according to them he was never a street dweller.

“In relation to the images that circulate on social networks in which an incident with one of the passengers of the Viva Air flight that covered the Bogotá – Barranquilla route is appreciated, the airline clarifies that the traveler entered with a boarding pass, controlled and accompanied by his mother, and that his state of exhaustion was not detected until, during the filming time, he stopped following the crew’s orders, ”the company said in a statement.

After giving notice to the authorities, they managed to get the passenger down and restart the itinerary flight without major incidents.

Viva Air regrets what happened and confirms that it effectively complied with all security protocols to provide a timely response to this situation.”, Concluded the company.

Viva Air statement on alleged street dweller taken from plane
Viva Air statement on alleged street dweller taken from plane

Due to the confusion, the W journalist continued investigating and The police explained to him that the subject is a man in a street condition, but that his mother bought him the plane ticket to take him to Barranquilla and try to get him out of that life.

“Something does not fit me“, Concluded the communicatorWell, Viva Air says that it is not a street dweller, but the police contradict and assure that it is.
