Miguel Parra Niño, the man who attacked his ex-partner with an ax in Bogotá, is sent to jail


“He used those axes for photos, I think he became obsessed with the ‘Vikings’ series, Miguel thought he was a Viking, he is not the color he appears in the photos, he is darker, but he whitened them”, Oscar Salazar said about Miguel Parra in dialogue with Infobae.

After the Attorney General’s Office requested before Judge 69 for control of guarantees in Bogotá send Miguel Camilo Parra, the man who attacked his ex-partner Ángela del Pilar Ferro with an ax, the judge accepted the petition.

For the accusing body, Parra represents a danger to the victim, his son and to society, for which he asked that he be deprived of his liberty immediately. Argument collected by the judge that considered the accused as “A danger to the victim, to society and to the criminal process.”

During the hearing, Miguel Camilo’s defense requested a house for jail but the measure was rejected.

Judge 69 of control of guarantees declared the capture of Miguel Camilo legal and in accordance with the law procedures, but the captured He pleaded not guilty to the charges brought by the Prosecutor’s Office: attempted aggravated femicide and family abuse.

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The legalization occurs within the framework of the first 24 hours after the capture, which took place this Monday at 10:40 at night in the Bochica village, in Fusagasugá.

The accusing body said that, after the capture, Parra underwent an examination in Legal Medicine that confirmed that he had no injuries. The defendant’s defense affirmed that it was not a “brutal” attack as the Prosecutor’s Office has said, and requested the suspension of the hearing.

The Attorney General’s Office confirmed that during the arrest of the alleged aggressor there was no violation of any right and that he was informed about the reasons for the deprivation of liberty. The control body added that he has been treated with respect and dignity, to which there was no objection from the defense.

In the photo released by the Prosecutor’s Office, it can be seen that the man cut his hair and, according to the authorities, he also did it with his beard to hide.

Ángela Ferro and her partner / Óscar Salazar Facebook
Ángela Ferro and her partner / Óscar Salazar Facebook

The capture of Parra Niño occurred in Fusagasugá, when the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office, which was following his path, located him in a house in the municipality, after activating the alarm of one of the cars outside the building and immediately transferred to the URI of Aranda Bridge.

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On the day of the violent attack, Angela Ferro narrated in an interview with Caracol Radio that she still had gaps in her memories. “We were talking about the topic that I was going to leave and I don’t remember what happened, I have memories of us talking about specific topics and afterwards I woke up in the hospital, I don’t know what I said to make this guy react like that. (…) He was aggressive, but he made up for it because he was extremely detailed and told me that he controlled it, that he handled it ”.

Who is Miguel Parra

Oscar Salazar told Infobae that Miguel Camilo Parra Niño appeared before his friend Ángela Ferro as a Christian man, He did not drink, did not smoke, and was the manager of a pet supply store. However, Salazar assured that none of this was true and that his friend’s alleged aggressor was homophobic, violent and obsessed with axes, of which he had six, of different sizes, kept in his home.

Office of the Attorney General of the Nation
Office of the Attorney General of the Nation

“He used those axes for photos, I think he became obsessed with the ‘Vikings’ series, Miguel thought he was a Viking, he’s not the color he appears in the photos, he’s darker, but he bleached them. (…) In the eight months that they have been with them, I stopped talking to him for about four or five months because once I told him: ‘come down, Angela is not making any mistakes because she is with her friends and we are at being gay, no problem. ‘ He did not get us off as sissy sons of bitches and told us that one day he was going to do something to us “Salazar denounced Infobae.
