Old novels did manage to keep RCN’s rating high, and this would be the reason


Some thought they would not work, but the numbers support them. Old novels did manage to keep RCN’s rating high, and this would be the reason.

Many were in doubt when the channel announced that it would bring back some productions that were successful at the time.

The news came in a time of doubt and uncertainty when they could not continue recording Nurses and To love youNew novels that were going quite well.

However, the channel seemed to have it all coldly calculated. This is what the television critic Ómar Rincón explains.

As he comments in his column of El Tiempo, entitled RCN has it clear, the channel knows what kind of stories the average Colombian likes.

“The true heroes of this nation are the singers. They are idols because born out of nowhere, without transforming their macho values, they reach success. Thrown out. Sincerely from the sentimental (…) Diomedes and Marbelle are true idols of the people and television. And they have come to save RCN. The best thing about this channel is its past, that from when it was a great fiction channel and very close to the feelings of the Colombian people, so much so that it was Nuestra Tele, “writes the critic.

Old novels did manage to keep RCN’s rating high, and this would be the reason

As can be seen in the information provided by the Kantar Ibope Media measurer, RCN remains within the first 6 most watched programs.

True love reaches a 9.12 audience, closely following Noticias Caracol. For his part, Diomedes it follows with an 8.50.

Analia’s Revenge, the most watched of all national television, remains in the leadership with 12.73 points.

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