Due to scandal, Minjusticia resigns from the Fedef Fútbol committee – Investigative Unit


A few hours after EL TIEMPO revealed a call between Ernesto Lucena, Minister of Sports, and his Justice counterpart, Wilson Ruíz, the latter decided to resign from the disciplinary committee of the Colombian Football Federation.

(In context: Mindeporte’s call to Minjusticia for the case of resale of ballots)

Ruíz’s presence in that committee was confirmed after he told EL TIEMPO that he had attended the Colombia vs. Venezuela because they extended three credentials to enter with his two soccer sons.

Although initially the controversy centered on the presence of the minister and his children due to issues of capacity and security measures due to the pandemic, the topic principal it is his presence on the disciplinary committee.

(Also read: What was the minjusticia doing in the Colombia National Team match?)

Indeed, Minister Lucena asked him to declare himself impeded so that the issue of the resale of ballots, which may reach his hands, be known. “We seek absolute transparency. If two government entities (Mindeporte and the SIC) are requesting that the Federation be investigated for the issue of the ballots, there could be a conflict of interest in which a member of the Government investigates the case from a private entity “said Lucena.

(We recommend you read: Justice: Out of place)

Ruiz affirmed that he found no incompatibility between his position as Minister and that of the Federation, which is to honor. And he said that if the case of ticket reselling comes to him, he will not accept it. Furthermore, that he has not contemplated resigning from the Federation.

But the newly inaugurated Minister Ruíz announced the position of the Federation on Wednesday morning, in an interview with Blue radio.

In any case, for some it is just as striking that, in order to defend themselves from the sanction of the SIC in the case of the ballots, a protection was filed against Andrés Barreto, before the Judicial Council; and that members of the Judiciary are part or have been part of committees of Fedef Fútbol.

(It may interest you: Charges will be charged to a former prosecutor in the case of reselling tickets)

In fact, today a disciplinary complaint by Ramón Jesurún is being filed with the judiciary against Barreto, his predecessor and his delegate, for the same issue of resale.
For now, on November 18, the Prosecutor’s Office will charge the former prosecutor who initiated the case and received a credential for the 2018 Russia qualifiers, for an undercover job, it says.

Eight days ago, EL TIEMPO exclusively revealed the decision of Andrés Barreto, superintendent of Industry and Commerce (SIC), to confirm the fines of 18,352 million pesos to leaders of the Colombian Football Federation (FCF) and to individuals for the network that it was woven for the resale of qualifying tickets for the World Cup in Russia.

(In context: Case against soccer ‘czars’ goes to criminal justice and the US)

The file was even sent to the Prosecutor’s Office and the United States Department of Justice, because Luis Bedoya, protagonist of ‘Fifagate’, was involved.

For now, on November 18, the Prosecutor’s Office will charge the former prosecutor who initiated the case and received a credential for the 2018 Russia qualifiers, for an undercover job, it says.

See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO.

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