Forensic reveals details of Javier Ordóñez’s injuries


This diligence is part of the disciplinary trial carried out by the Attorney General’s Office to determine the responsibilities and faults of Harby Rodríguez and Juan Camilo Lloreda, as former officials of the National Police.

The coroner was summoned to explain what he found in the autopsy he performed on Ordóñez’s body and whose opinion was that The serious injuries that he found could not be self-inflicted, as one of the patrolmen claimed at some point, and that they were actually caused by someone else, that is, a homicide.

This was his explanation, cited by Noticias Caracol:

“We are talking about multiple forceful traumas, let’s say that by their nature they could not be self-inflicted but rather that they are produced by third parties. As forensic forensic doctors we use that broader definition of what homicide is, which is death caused by the actions of a third party ”.

Doctor Calle confirmed that the main injury was to the right kidney, which was found to be completely broken. “The kidney, in the region of the retroperitoneum, is also surrounded by fatty tissue, which in this case, due to this rupture, filled with blood. Due to the rupture of the kidney and the vessels, with the same trauma, there is a hemorrhage within these tissues“, Said the expert.

The delegate attorney for the case wanted to clarify that explanation and asked the doctor if “that hemorrhage could have contributed to the death” of Ordóñez; he replied, “Yes, your honor.”

In addition, the doctor specified, according to El Espectador, that the blows that would have caused the outbreak of the kidney were blunt traumas so strong – such as fists and kicks – that they overcame the resistance of “the lumbar region and below where the ribs end” .

He also detailed, by way of anecdote, that in his experience, he has rarely seen injuries in that area of ​​the body due to forceful trauma from beatings and that it is more common due to a “penetrating trauma such as a bullet impact.”

But that was not all, according to the newspaper. The outbreak of the kidney led to severe internal bleeding that caused Ordóñez to lose a total of 3.5 liters of blood and that caused a failure of his entire vital system: “If the organs stop being oxygenated, to carry metabolism products, we are talking about a critical and incompatible proportion for life”.

There was also time to talk about the injuries from the taser pistol that the two uniformed men used repeatedly on Ordóñez’s body, according to the news report. About them, the coroner said he found “Lesions with a very regular distance between them, which seem – due to the shape and arrangement of the wires – to be compatible with the contact of the device”, although he said that there are no studies that show that this element has effects on people’s hearts.

The doctor located these wounds on the victim’s torso: “Externally, two injuries are described on the abdomen, two injuries near the navel, two below the rib as well. Lumbar right side, two injuries. Lower lumbar, two pattern lesions. Approximately between 8 and 10 injuries ”.

The doctor referred to a chest wound, similar to that of a knife, that one of Javier Ordóñez’s companions had referred, but the doctor clarified that it was a superficial wound and it only hurt his skin, so he did not it could have produced “some type of significant bleeding” related to death.

Finally, in the audience Another injury was mentioned that coincides with a possible impact from a firearm in the right leg of the law student. Dr. Calle clarified that the splinters of a bullet were embedded in his skin and not a complete projectile.

“We believed that those fragments that look metallic were from the taser harpoons, but when we did the exploration of the white tissues it was confirmed that there are very irregular holes. In my personal experience, it didn’t seem like a material other than lead.

Where did the bullet come from? The same patrolman Rodríguez confessed that he fired his crew weapon “towards the ground” to dissuade, according to him, Ordóñez and his friends when they tried to attack him and his partner.

The trial will continue next Tuesday morning with more testimonies cited by the Attorney General’s Office.
