Colombia National Team: Carlos Queiroz speaks about James Rodríguez and Everton – International Football – Sports


It is true that in Colombia they are eager to see James Rodríguez again wearing the ’10’ shirt of the Colombian National Team. His presence at Everton fills the country with confidence ahead of the start of the 2022 World Cup qualifier in Qatar.

One of those who smiles the most with the good time of James is the coach of the Colombian National Team, Carlos Queiroz, who was consulted about the position in which the steering wheel has been working in the Everton.

(You may be interested: Surprise! Gabriel Fuentes called up to the Colombian National Team).

Queiroz clarified that he knows which are the positions in which James can perform and was forceful in saying that in that position in which he is playing in the Premier leagueHe has already done it in the national team.

“I do not only know James where he is playing at Everton, I knew him very well from Porto and his coaches, now playing better and training better, the tactical design that he developed in the Copa América, knowing the team and its football well, in Everton is in the position where they have played with us, “he said.

(Also read: Montero or Vargas ?: the dilemma in the goal for the Colombian National Team).

Further, Queiroz He said that it is very important to have this James with much more continuity, because he will be of great help to the Colombia selection..

“Now with more football and less injuriesMore regularly, it’s going to be very good for us too, “he added.

