Colombians’ purchasing and consumption habits have changed during the quarantine


From what they buy, through the times of getting up and going to bed to the way of living together, they have undergone noticeable adjustments.

This is demonstrated by the results of a study carried out by the company Yanhaas, specialized in conducting all kinds of market research with clients from different economic sectors. The company carried out 409 online surveys in five cities in the country (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga) between April 9 and 15, 2020. The balance reveals striking and curious data.

For example: 66% of respondents considerably changed their wake and bed times. 64% have had more fights and family discussions than usual and 22% have eaten more than normal.

Likewise, 28% believe that internet failures have been the greatest barrier to carrying out daily activities.

Another curious fact is that 4% started courses or some type of online learning.

Regarding new shopping habits, the survey says that those who have made the most purchases of food in quarantine are men, with 67%. While the outlets to buy by women represent 30%.

Something that has drawn attention is that 95% of the surveyed Colombians have made the purchases by going to the point of sale. 36% have done it by home via telephone call. It should be noted that the survey allows a multiplicity of options to answer the same question, which is why the sum of the percentages does not give 100.

Home applications have been used by 26% of those surveyed, while 21% have made purchases through the websites or applications of the establishments themselves and 20% are making purchases at home but via WhatsApp chat .
