Project regulating euthanasia approved in the first debate


This Tuesday in the First Committee of the House of Representatives the bill was approved in the first debate presented by Juan Fernando Reyes Kuri, from Valle del Cauca, who defends the right of all Colombians to unhindered access to euthanasia.

This initiative was filed on July 20, and puts a fundamental debate on the national agenda on the need to eliminate restrictions on the freedom that any Colombian has the right to exercise.

“Fight so that we have fewer obstacles to build our life as we want and so that we can decide autonomously the fate of our own existence”, said Juan Fernando Reyes Kuri.

The main objective of this project, is to protect human dignity and ensure that no person is subjected to cruel treatment or punishment.

At the same time, it develops previous provisions of the Constitutional Court, that urged Congress to regulate the exercise of this right.


In case of being approved in the remaining debates, those over 18 years of age who suffer from an incurable disease, are in a terminal phase or suffer from a medical condition that seriously affects their quality of life, and also have mental competence to give their consent, they will be able to access this resource.

“Each one must decide whether to live with suffering or die with dignity”, assured representative Reyes Kuri.
