Protocol for returning to school in Colombia, reveals the Ministry of Health – Health


The Ministry of Health announced this Wednesday general aspects of the protocols that schools, universities and educational centers in general, as well as students, will have to comply with. so that face-to-face classes are resumed in the country that have been suspended for more than six months due to the pandemic.

Before the sixth committee of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, stated: “We have maintained as an essential strategy the distancing of children and adolescents as a fundamental factor to be able to contain the epidemic, but according to the scientific and technical literature, it has impacts that must be taken into account in order to be able to measure and make decisions regarding what the need to return to school implies ”.

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And although the protocol is in an advanced state and it is expected that it can be issued soon, some general guidelines are that Only those who do not present symptoms will be able to attend face-to-face classes and, of course, the use of a mask is essential, as well as establishing schedules for hand washing, not sharing food, keeping the mask in a paper bag while eating, avoiding touching the face, nose or avoiding rubbing the eyes, physical distance of at least two meters with other people and Gloves are recommended only for cleaning people.

Regarding locative measures, the parameters indicate that potable water must be provided for consumption; cleaning and disinfection of tanks and all educational infrastructure should be done; as well as having supplies for hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, ventilation, signage and distance between desks and dining rooms to have less contagion.

They must also stagger entry and exit times of people and vehicles to avoid the loss of physical distance that leads to crowds and an increase in the contagion rate. And the taking of temperature with sheets for the registration and control of all the people who come to the institution is mandatory.

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“The institutions that attend children from 2 to 5 years old must verify that they comply with the vaccination schedule. In addition, individual work, in pairs or small groups should be prioritized to minimize the possibility of physical contact ”, indicated the Ministry.

“On the other hand, higher education institutions with residence or accommodation must have isolation spaces to ensure distance and follow the protocol when cases arise,” he added.

Finally, Minister Ruiz said that a flow of communication and alerts will be established between educational institutions and the health and education secretariats of the territorial entities, in order to comply with the current protocols for the detection of cases.

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