International flights: children must be tested for coronavirus or not – Government – Politics


From September 19, the reactivation of international commercial flights from Colombia began.

In the country, the airports Alfonso Bonilla Aragón, in Cali; El Dorado, from Bogotá; José María Córdova, from Rionegro (Antioquia) and Rafael Nuñez, from Cartagena, have already reactivated their operation for international flights.

The destinations you can go to are the United States, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Guatemala.

Here are some of the questions you may be asking yourself.

(In context: International destinations that you can go to from September 21)

Which countries are requiring covid-19 tests from Colombians?

The Ministry of Transport pointed out that this first phase of reactivation has been carried out with those countries that do not have entry or opening restrictions.

In this way, the entity warns that to date no proof is required in the United States, nor in Mexico. Similarly, it is recommended that airlines inform users if this changes.

Until when are there humanitarian flights?

The director of Migration Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, pointed out that, for now, humanitarian flights are scheduled until September 30. “The Foreign Ministry is doing the tasks to obtain travel authorizations, especially to Europe.”

(Also: With more desire than routes and reservations, international flights take off)

Espinosa added that they are making progress in the points of contact with the different countries. “If any difficulty arises, we will see how to solve it with some mechanism that allows mobility between people.”

Do children also have to take the PRC test to enter Colombia?

The director of Migration pointed out that children must also take the PRC test to enter Colombia by air after September 30, which must have a negative result.

What happens if someone arrives in Colombia without a PCR test after September 30?

Espinosa warned that those who arrive in the country on flights without the PCR test with a negative result may “be subject to inadmissibility.” With this result, he should not remain in mandatory isolation for 14 days.

However, resolution 1627, which establishes the biosecurity protocols for international flights, states: “Present a PCR test with a negative result, issued no more than 96 hours before boarding, make the report through Coronapp and respond to the strict tracking and follow-up that your insurer or the secretary of health of the jurisdiction where you will stay or reside must do.This measure applies to all people who come to the country from abroad, whether nationals or not. Travelers who do not have the required test must perform preventive isolation, perform the test and follow the measures that are indicated until their isolation condition is determined according to the results of both the test and the epidemiological risk assessment. “

What if you have symptoms of coronavirus on the trip?

You must inform the crew, so that the process of lowering the plane in a controlled manner and following the precautionary route in terms of health.

What happens if you travel to another country and will return in less than 96 hours?

Migration Colombia warns that the test must be carried out to enter the national territory.

“This is one of the great limitations, as it is recognized. But what you have to do is take the test as soon as you arrive (at your destination) so that there is a delivery term.

Twitter: @LuisaMercadoD
Instagram: @ luisamercado1
If you have any other questions, you can send them to the email [email protected]
