640,900 have recovered from covid-19 in the country



Colombia fell this Monday for the third time in the month of 6,000 new coronavirus infections by confirming 5,359 positive cases, with which the country accumulates 770,435 infected, according to the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

The health authority also reported 189 deaths that brought the total number of fatalities from covid-19 in the country to 24,397 since last March when the pandemic began.

Today’s number of infected is the second lowest since September 7, when 5,327 cases were confirmed after several weeks of peak of the pandemic.

The other time that the number of infected was below 6,000 cases this month was on September 14 when 5,573 were confirmed.

Bogotá had the highest number of infections today, with 1,955, followed by the department of Antioquia, with 1,293; Santander (421) and Valle del Cauca (239).

In the department of Cundinamarca 158 were registered; in Quindío there were 113, and in Córdoba 106, while in the other regions of the country the cases did not reach a hundred.

According to the Ministry of Health, in the country there are 1,499 identified foci of the pandemic and the highest concentration is in Bogotá, with 254,276.

Given the improvement in the situation in recent weeks, the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, announced today the lifting of almost all the biosecurity measures still in force to slow down the speed of contagions by covid-19, although she did not rule out that there is a new peak of the pandemic.

“Our current situation in terms of managing the pandemic is relatively favorable. The pandemic continues to be a great challenge, the possibility of having a second peak is always latent and what we have to do is join efforts to mitigate its severity,” said López at a press conference.

The mayor highlighted that the city has a low percentage (54%) of occupancy of intensive care units (ICUs) for patients with COVID-19, which does not mean that the coronavirus is a matter of the past.

“The covid is present, it is still among us and we have to continue taking care of it, but (…) the top of the plateau through which we passed, which was very difficult and very painful, has been overwhelmingly behind,” he said.

After Bogotá, the regions with the most infected are Antioquia (105,208), Atlántico (66,640), Valle del Cauca (57,483), Cundinamarca (31,042), Bolívar (28,062), Santander (27,884), Córdoba (22,873), Nariño (17,556) and Cesar (17,451).

Of the 770,435 confirmed cases in the country, 103,518 (13.43%) are still active, while 640,900 have recovered (83.18%) and the 24,397 deaths are 3.16%.

Of the 189 deaths reported this Monday, the Health Ministry said that 33 correspond to Bogotá and 19 to Antioquia.

In Santander, Valle del Cauca and Nariño there were 14 deaths in each department, while the rest occurred in Cundinamarca and Huila (11), Cesar and Meta (10), Atlántico and Magdalena (9), Norte de Santander (7), Risaralda (6), Bolívar and La Guajira (4), Caquetá (3), Córdoba, Tolima and Quindío (2), and Arauca, Casanare, Amazonas, Putumayo, San Andrés (1).

Today 30,975 samples were processed in Colombia, 23,776 of them of the PCR type and 7,719 of antigens, which has taken 3.42 million tests in the country.
