The instant messaging service Telegram It already amasses a base of 400 million active users per month, a considerable increase since last October.
Telegram said it is currently working on a group video calling feature, this to assist during post-global quarantines. COVID-19 pandemic. The Russian company did not say when this feature will reach all users, but it will happen this year.
Telegram, a service of Russian origin, revealed that it is the most downloaded social media app in 20 countries and mentioned that on average 1.5 million users are added to the platform daily. Although it is not specifically mentioned, Telegram did not miss the opportunity to hint at WhatsApp, its main rival.
“When we started Telegram seven years ago, we assumed that people would always prefer freedom and quality over restrictions and mediocrity,” said the social network, whose founder, Pavel Durov, has often criticized WhatsApp. “As the popularity gap between Telegram and its competitors closes, we find more and more validity in that initial guess. Thank you for being smart and free!”
The new Telegram figure is an increase from the 300 million active users the service had in October. However, it is not enough to even feel close to WhatsApp, a platform that is more than ten years old, since exceeds 2 billion active users.