Dane reports increase in the ‘NEET’ population during the pandemic


A recent report presented by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), evidences the increase in the number of the population called ‘NINI’, in the context of the current coronavirus emergency.

Young people called ‘NINI’, because they neither study nor work, either for pleasure, or due to lack of work and study opportunities, increased during the quarantine in Colombia. The difficulties of continuing to study and even more so, to get a job amplified this type of condition.

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According to Dane, the country has an estimated population of 10,990,268 young people between the ages of 14 and 26 and of this population 33% is part of this social phenomenon, who are not in the labor market and do not attend in person or virtually to an educational campus. By 2019, 22% of young people were ‘NEET’.

According to Dane, this population segment increased due to the economic difficulties derived from the current pandemic condition.

Similarly, the Dane indicated that based on its investigations it was able to determine that the 42% of women and 23% of young men in the country currently neither study nor work, to this is added that the percentage of women in the country is higher than that of men. LThe trend indicates that the phenomenon itself is applied more in women.

Another of the results presented by the entity show that, although the population between 15 and 24 years is the one with the highest number of people reporting in the NINI segmentIt is also the one that has been identified as the population group that most uses electronic platforms.

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Within the conclusions presented by the Dane, it was established that more than 41.1% of the country’s youth still live with their parents, a situation that could have increased due to the economic consequences of the covid-19 pandemic, which could having forced some “independent” young people to return to the bosom of his parental home.

The study carried out by the statistical entity also questioned young Colombians about their vision for the future in the face of the current economic situation in the country, reporting that a 25.8% of those surveyed believe that the situation will get worse, 28.2% indicate that it can continue the same, and 41% are positive about the future. Only 2.9% say it will be much better.

Sergio David González – NoticiasRCN.com
