Six people died due to the rising of the Suaza river, in Huila


Six peasants died when the rising of the Suaza River surprised them in the path of Brasil. Rescuers search for the bodies of four more people who disappeared in the middle of the emergency.

“In this tragedy we have had human losses, we have great effects on crops, the coffee zone, on the pancoger crops; but we also have impacts on 70% of the roads, “said Moisés Ortiz, mayor of Suaza.

The river flooded the highway that connects the department of Huila with Caquetá. Buses with passengers and freight drivers were trapped, many being asked to climb the mountain to save their lives.

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About 40 homes were destroyed and 25 are cut off by the floods. The municipalities of Acevedo, Suaza, Guadalupe and Pitalito are also affected.

The highway that connects Caquetá with the rest of the country is blocked in several places by the landslides of the mountain.

“Due to the pressure of heavy rains in the sector and landslides, the Altamira-Cabinet alternate route has been enabled for light vehicles and vehicles with a maximum double truck load,” said Colonel Harold Barrera, Commander of the Huila Police. .

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A commission came to the site to assess the damage while it continues to rain in that area of ​​the eastern mountain range.
