The homophobic discourse of Professor Alejandro Silva from the District


Social networks exploded with the video of a virtual class, in which a professor at the District University makes homophobic comments.

The teacher’s name is Alejandro Silva, who makes hate speech against gays and other sexual orientations, in which he begins by pointing out that “gender discussions are stupid.”

“There are two genders, male and female, the rest is studied by psychology,” said the teacher.

For various citizens and activist groups, Professor Silva is promoting xenophobia in a tirade against gender equality.

In the recording of his class – curiously about a project for a career in Industrial Engineering – the teacher also attacks the transgender community:


«There are two genres: that you have an aberration is another thing (…) Those who feel very bad as men and want to be women and have money, are sent to do everything as women. But finally they are men, ”says Silva.

This is the video that is circulating on social networks and that has aroused a controversy among Internet users. What do you think? Remember to participate in the official accounts of Channel 1.

Some of the people who have expressed their outrage They are asking the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, and the rector of the District University, Ricardo García, to take action on the matter.

Also, in the recording Professor Alejandro Silva also remembers the controversial episode of the primers on gender identity, promoted by the former Minister of Education, Gina Parody.

«The booklet for seven-year-olds to define their sex. That is an aberration. If the child is a boy, he must be educated and taught as a man. So much democracy and stupidity to what it leads, “he concluded.
