Noguera and Pumarejo, the ones that grew the most in approval


Elsa Noguera De la Espriella, governor of Atlántico, and Jaime Pumarejo Heins, mayor of Barranquilla, had a rebound in the discharge rate, according to the most recent survey carried out by Invamer SAS

As stated by the study, the departmental president is consolidated as the one with the highest approval in the country with 75%, followed by Clara Luz Roldán, from Valle del Cauca (73%); Aníbal Gaviria, from Antioquia (58%), and Mauricio Aguilar, from Santander (50%).

In the previous measurement, corresponding to the month of June, Governor Noguera had an approval of 52%, that is, it registered a growth of 18 percentage points.

Noguera’s unfavorable situation is currently 24% and decreases a total of 19 percentage points in relation to the results of the June survey, when it was 43%.

For his part, Jaime Pumarejo was ranked third at the national level with 70% approval, being surpassed only by Daniel Quintero, from Medellín (71%), and Claudia López, from Bogotá (70%).

The mayor of the capital of the country is located in the second line of the ranking because it has a disapproval rate of 25%, while Pumarejo Heins with 30%.

Compared with the results of the June survey, Pumarejo’s discharge grew 26 percentage points. On that occasion, their approval was 44%.

While the unfavorability of the district president fell by 23 percentage points, since in June it was 53%.

In relation to President Duque, his approval stands at 38%, while 55% of Colombians disapprove of his management. In the previous poll, the president of the Colombians had an approval of 41%.

On the other hand, Invamer SAS highlights Barranquilla as the city with the most optimism in the country. 62% of those surveyed in the capital of Atlántico believe that things are improving and surpass other cities such as Medellín (41%), Bucaramanga (36%), Cali (29%) and Bogotá (26%).

Perception in the country. 69% of those surveyed agreed that things in the country are getting worse, while only 20% said they were improving.

In addition, they stated that the main problem in the national territory is unemployment (28%), followed by corruption (24%).

Only 8% of the participants in this survey referred to the coronavirus as the main problem facing the country, while security had 9%.

Survey data sheet

Company that conducted the survey: Invamer SAS

Natural or legal person who entrusted it: Invamer SAS, for sale by subscription.

Funding source: own resources of Invamer SAS

Objectives: measure the favorability and approval of the president, characters and institutions in Colombia. Know public opinion on current events. Evaluate the opinion of the general public of Colombia and of President Iván Duque Márquez. Measure the concept of the people facing current Colombian problems. Observe the level of acceptance of the people regarding laws, proposals or statements of the moment. Carry out a general evaluation in the main cities of the country on the work of the respective mayor and the way people are perceiving their city.

Universe: men and women aged 18 or over, of all socio-economic levels, residing in: Bogotá (5,479,011), Medellín (1,813,155), Cali (1,374,126), Barranquilla (810,019) and Bucaramanga ( 390,351), for a total of 9,866,662 people, according to the 2018 Census.

sampling frame: to carry out this study, a methodology called dual frames was implemented, that is, two sampling frames (fixed line and cell phone number generation) were used to select people. The telephone coverage in the 5 large cities, according to the DANE census, is 85%. The households with a telephone line are: Bogotá 1,586,841, Medellín 624,376, Cali 409,353, Barranquilla 153,256 and Bucaramanga 134,132. Total 2,907,958. An Invamer generated random number frame is available for the cell line frame.

Sample size and distribution: 1,200 surveys (800 landlines and 400 cell phones) distributed as follows: Bogotá 400 surveys (240 landlines and 160 cell phones), Medellín 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones), Cali 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones), Barranquilla 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones) and Bucaramanga 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones); in addition to the distribution by socio-economic levels in proportion to the population. To adjust the total sample to the actual size of the universe for each city, weights are applied.

Sampling system: probability sampling was carried out in stages depending on the type of sampling frame. For the fixed telephony framework, a systematic random selection of households with fixed telephony was first carried out and then a simple random selection of a person aged 18 years or older was carried out. For the cell phone framework, a random selection of people over 18 years of age was carried out.

Margin of error: the margins of error within 95% confidence limits are: for the total sample of the 5 cities +/- 2.83%; for the total sample from Bogotá +/- 4.90%; for the totals of the samples from Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga +/- 6.93%.

Data collection technique: computer-assisted telephone surveys (CATI).

Data collection date: from August 22 to 31, 2020.

Number of interviewers: 87 interviewers were used.

Validation method: 100% of the surveys carried out were reviewed and 15% of them were supervised.

Topics to which it refers: public opinion on leaders, characters, institutions and current events.

Response rate: the response rate for landlines was 12.79% and for cell phones, 8.55%. This rate reflects the number of sample units that completed the questionnaire, as a percentage of the number of eligible sample units.

Characters or institutions by which it was inquired: refer to the questionnaire.

Specific questions that were asked: refer to the questionnaire.

Weighting factor: It is the figure that, acting as a multiplier, allows taking the sample data to the population, that is, expanding the sample.

In order to combine the samples of fixed and cellular telephony, questions that allow you to classify the respondents must be included in the questionnaire, in order to determine if the respondent could have been selected in the other sampling frame and thus obtain the probability of inclusion of each person.

The basic expansion factor is the inverse of the probability of inclusion of the person. After this, a calibration of this factor is performed according to the 2018 Census.
