On the first day without quarantine in Barranquilla, what was seen in the streets were queues, crowds of people and traffic congestion.
Both in the north and in the center of the capital, there were agglomerations of people who went out to find answers to problems with public services, EPS and official offices for the payment of fines, taxes and claims for care.
In Calle 85 with Carrera 50, Colsanitas headquarters, there were queues of users who from early on came to request authorization of medicines.
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“It is not fair that one pays for a service as expensive as the prepaid medical and they have us here in this sun”, Denounced a woman who assured that she had more than an hour in line.
Taxis once again occupied streets and areas where they are traditionally parked to wait for races. While the noise of the bus engines and whistles they put an end to the tranquility that in recent months was breathed in some sectors.
Jugglers were once again seen on some main roads doing their shows and asking for tips.
Outside the banks, especially in the downtown area, there were crowds.
Videos and photos of people walking through the downtown shopping area without a mask circulated on social networks, much less keeping social distance.
Too:This is how the reopening of the country progresses on the first day without quarantine
The manager of the Center, Ángelo Cianci, acknowledged that there were crowds and some imprudence of people by not complying with biosafety measures, especially in relation to the banking area.
“There are a little more people on the street after the measures are lifted and we are going to work to make the corrections,” said the official.
Flights at the airport
With the operation of 12 flights, the Ernesto Cortissoz airport began to normalize its activities this Tuesday, after almost five months of paralysis due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The companies that will be dispatching flights are Avianca, Latam and Viva Air.
It is estimated that around 900 people will mobilize today through the air terminal, located in the municipality of Soledad, but which serves Barranquilla.
“We encourage all users to continue self-care and protect ourselves,” said Federico González, director of operations for the airport. The first flight left at 6:15 am for Bogotá. The last one is scheduled for 8:50 pm bound for the capital of the Republic.
The mole on the first day of operations was by the Avianca company. The first flight, according to the passengers’ complaint, was delayed for more than an hour.
The terminal also moved
While the Terminal Metropolitana de Transportes de Barranquilla (TMTB) restarted operations with 16 companies in the early hours of the morning, they managed to dispatch some 36 buses, fulfilling the capacity of 50 percent and keeping the distance between passengers.
The terminal seeks to increase the movement of passengers to the entire region and the country by 40 percent, which is equivalent to about 180 to 200 buses.
The manager of the Terminal, Rubén García Ariza assured that there are strict biosecurity measures to guarantee the control of the entry and exit of passengers and workers.
“Today we open our doors to the public with the first routes to Cartagena, Maicao and Bucaramanga with the excitement of a different new beginning”Said the official on his Twitter account.
The completion took advantage of these months of paralysis to carry out improvements and adjustments to its facilities. That is why travelers today found painted facilities, bathrooms and a new waiting room, a remodeled taxi station and organized the track where the buses leave and arrive.
Don’t stop reading
Leonardo Herrera Delgans
EL TIEMPO correspondent
And TW: @ leoher70
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