Colombia is the seventh country with the most confirmed coronavirus infections in the world


The coronavirus pandemic has already exceeded 25 million cases, after adding another 260,000 new infections on the last day, according to the balance offered this Sunday by Johns Hopkins University on the 188 countries and territories affected.

In total, 25,009,250 people have contracted the virus, of which more than half are in the three most affected countries – the United States, Brazil and India – while the death toll is already at 842,702, after adding one more day more than 5000 deaths.

With regard to people who have managed to overcome the disease, there are already 16.4 million. Brazil tops the list, with just over 3.2 million patients cured, followed by India, with more than 2.7 million, and the United States, with just over 2.1 million.

Also read: Antigen test will be mandatory to go to departments with low affectation.

The latter country remains, outstanding, as the most affected worldwide, with more than 5.9 million cases, and in the last day it has exceeded 182,000 deaths, with 182,779, which also places it at the forefront in this section . The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation of the United States (IHME) estimates that 317,000 people could have died from the coronavirus in the country.

Brazil, with more than 3.8 million cases and 120,262 fatalities, ranks second in both infected and deceased.

In third place is India, which registers more than 3.5 million cases and adds 63,498 deaths, followed in fourth position by Russia, which maintains a sustained increase in infections, with 982,573 cases and 16,977 fatalities. Peru is now in fifth position, with 639,435 cases and 28,607 deaths.

South Africa, the most affected African country, falls to sixth place, with 622,551 cases and 13,981 deaths, but with a recovery rate of around 86%.

For its part, Colombia is the seventh most punished country, with 599,914 cases and 19,064 deaths, while Mexico already has 591,712 infections and 63,819 deaths, which makes it the third with the most fatalities.

Spain remains in the ninth position and is already the country in the European Union with the most cases, with 439,286 and 29,011 deaths. In this last section, it occupies the eighth position.

The ‘top 10’ is completed by Chile, which already has 408,009 confirmed cases and 11,181 fatalities. As a particular note, Argentina has exceeded 400,000 infections in the last hours. The Southern Cone country now has 401,239 cases and 8353 deaths.

Already in the arc of 300,000 infections is Iran, with 371,816 cases and 21,359 deaths. Also in this group are the United Kingdom, with more than 334,916 cases and 41,585 deaths – the fifth country with the most fatalities -; Saudi Arabia, with 313,911 infections but only 3,840 deaths, Bangladesh, with 308,925 positives and, in the last hours, France, with 304,947 cases.

In the range of 200,000 to 300,000 infections are Pakistan, with 295,636, Turkey (267,064), Italy (266,853), Germany (242,835), Iraq (227,446) and the Philippines (213,131).

In the group with more than 100,000 infected are Indonesia (169,195), Canada (129,639), Ukraine (121,847), Qatar (118,407), Bolivia (115,354), Israel (113,465), Ecuador (112,906), and Kazakhstan (105,684).

Egypt is close, with 98,497, while the Dominican Republic reaches 93,732. Panama, with 91,337, has overtaken China, the country that saw the birth of the pandemic, in the last day, with 89,863 positives. Also above 80,000 are Romania, Oman, Belgium, Kuwait and Sweden.

Surpassing 70,000 cases are Guatemala, the Netherlands and Belarus, while with more than 60,000 cases are the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Poland and, in the last hours, Morocco. The barrier of 50,000 cases is already exceeded by Honduras, Portugal, Singapore, Nigeria and Bahrain.
