Coronavirus News | cases of coronavirus Colombia August 29, 2020 | Trends


The Ministry of Health has just confirmed 9,394 new cases of coronavirus in the country, bringing the figure to 599,914 infected since the pandemic arrived in Colombia on March 6, with the first confirmed case.

Likewise, the entity reported 297 new deaths, bringing the number of deceased persons to 19,064. For their part, those recovered reached 444,574 while active cases accounted for 139,041.

In the last 24 hours in Bogotá there were 3,338 cases, Antioquia 1,229, Cundinamarca 535, Santander 498, Valle del Cauca 418, Norte de Santander 374, Cesar 358, Meta 248, Tolima 246, Cauca 242, Huila 209, Caquetá 189, Córdoba 164, Risaralda 146, Sucre 141, Cartagena 124, Guajira 118, Nariño 105, Boyacá 99, Caldas 96, Santa Marta 95, Bolívar 83, Magdalena 68, Barranquilla 64, Atlántico 54, Quindío 51, Putumayo 43, Casanare 22, Arauca 16, Vaupés 9, Chocó 7, Vichada 2, Guaviare 2 and Guanía 1.

In total, the capital of the Republic registers 207,403 cases, Meta 8,543, Guainía 93, Guaviare 241, Vaupés 260, Caquetá 5,724, Amazonas 2,696, Putumayo 2,779, Huila 4,737, Nariño 13,814, Cauca 4,983, Valle del Cauca 46,083, Tolima 6,817, Quindío 1,122, Chocó 3,704, Risaralda 5,991, Caldas 2,804, Cundinamarca 22,175, Antioquia 78,939, Córdoba 19,277, Sucre 11,506, Bolívar 25,012, Atlántico 63,872, San Andrés and Providencia 175, La Guajira 4,897, Magdalena 12,109, Cesar 10,013, Norte de Santander 11,274, Santander 17,310, Boyacá 3,674, Arauca 915, Vichada 51 and Casanare 1.008.
