Coronavirus took the life of a 9-year-old boy in Santa Marta


The latest report from the Ministry of Health on the coronavirus, published this Saturday, August 29, includes painful news for Magdalena: the death of a 9-year-old boy in the capital of the department.

The minor suffered from a cardiovascular disease that would have precipitated his death after acquiring the virus.

The case of this child is one of the 12 deaths that were reported this Saturday due to covid-19, as reported by the Ministry of Health in the list in which there were 297 deaths that were added to the death figures in the country.

See: list of the 297 deaths this Saturday in Colombia, by coronavirus

The 12 deaths in the Magdalena were reported in the following cities:

Santa Marta

86-year-old man

64-year-old man

9-year-old boy, cardiovascular disease

69 year old woman

87 year old male

73 year old woman

The bank

65-year-old woman

66-year-old man

69 year old man

Old Town

53-year-old woman

37-year-old woman


90 year old man

Regarding the report of new cases of covid-19, the Ministry of Health reported 163 new cases for Magdalena (95 in Santa Marta and 68 in other municipalities), so that Magdalena has already exceeded the barrier of 12 thousand confirmed cases , with a total of 12,109 cases since the pandemic began more than 5 months ago.

In Colombia, 9,394 new cases of coronavirus were registered this Saturday, whose geographical discrimination can be seen by clicking here.

There are already 599,914 that have been registered in Colombia, of which 139,041 are active and 19,064 deaths have been registered.
