Boat that docked with dead marine fired coronavirus in San Andrés – Other Cities – Colombia


Until May 6, the Archipelago of San Andrés and Providencia had six cases of coronavirus, of which five patients are already recovered.

The Governor of the island, Everth Hawkins Sjogreen, maintained that, with the borders closed, the virus was controlled.

However, everything changed with the arrival, last week, of the Colombian-flagged coastal vessel ‘Susurro’, which it arrived full of fruits, vegetables and other food, coming from Cartagena de Indias, to supply the population.

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After unloading food and other materials for the island that must also be quarantined, like the rest of the country, ‘Whisper’ docked one more night and then left for the island of Providencia to deliver more food, and from there he would return to Cartagena de Indias.

“On May 4, he set sail for Cartagena, according to the planned navigation route. During the tour the captain of the boat detected the poor state of health of one of his sailors and decided to return to the island ”, reported the Harbor Master in San Andrés.

“On May 6, at 3:15 in the morning, the motor ship arrived in the assigned area, in San Andrés, for inspection by the authorities. The Department’s Secretary of Health reported the presence of a deceased person on board the vessel, “ underlines the captaincy of Puerto.

The ship was evaluated by health personnel from the island and men from the National Navy and was subsequently quarantined.

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All the crew and personnel of the island who were in contact with the ship were tested for the covid-19, which, after being sent to the National Institute of Health (INS), revealed that two port health doctors are infected, as well as three members of the national army, who helped lower the lifeless body of the sailor.

They also gave positive the eight crew members.

Jhonny Cay, San Andrés

San Andrés is a preferred destination for travelers but it is in quarantine.


Andrea Moreno / EL TIEMPO

“Unfortunately, I have to report that The results of the tests sent to the National Institute of Health show that we have 15 new positive cases. We have taken extreme measures by all means, precisely when the population complains about the government, which is doing its best to safeguard the population, ”said Everth Hawkins Sjogreen, governor of the Archipelago of San Andrés and Providencia.

What worries the island’s health authorities the most is that The pandemic could be triggered, as the night of the arrival of the ship on the island was visited by merchants who brought food and prostitutes to the crew.

“This ship is the one that has exponentially put the population of San Andrés at risk, increasing the cases of covid-19,” said Everth Hawkins Sjogreen, governor of the Archipelago of San Andrés and Providencia.

“‘ Whisper ’is not a foreign ship for the people of San Andrés, as it periodically docks with food and construction materials, and is one of the people’s affections,” recalls an inhabitant of the island.

(Also read: What is known about the 15 new cases of coronavirus in San Andrés)

This boat is the one that has exponentially put the population of San Andrés at risk, increasing the cases of Covid 19

Today the boat is in preventive anchorage in the interior bay of San Andrés, with all its crew on board, until the investigation processes deem it necessary.

“I have to specify in the case of the embar Whisper’ boat that the people who bring food to the boat are irrigated even more “Governor Hawkins Sjogreen said.

Editor of EL TIEMPO
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