Senate wanted N95 masks for officials, and doctors claimed


However, the majority of doctors and nurses have not been provided with this type of protection, and that is why even the same congressmen criticized the Senate for wanting to use money to acquire 10,000 N95 masks.

After these questions, the Senate’s Administrative Directorate confirmed, through a statement, that “the purchase order process was canceled and the consultations (National Institute of Health) will be expanded in order to safeguard the integrity of human talent of the entity and the conditions of purchase of these inputs in the medium term ”.

And is that Noticias Caracol announced that the purchase of these items was 180 million pesos, and that the entity argued that the objective was to “comply” with health standards, and that it was done “thinking about the cost benefit ”than a conventional one would last.

“It requires acquiring the personal protection elements tending to prevent and mitigate the risk of contagion of the coronavirus from honorable senators, officials and contractors“Explained the newscast.

That is why the coordinator for COVID-19 of the Hospital of Leticia, Roberto Sandoval, said in the newscast that it seems to him “a lack of respect” with the health personnel, who on many occasions has had to purchase these masks with money of their wages.

“They are ignorant. We need specific protection measures and they – who are in the administrative part – counting on specific protection measures, ”added the doctor.


Senators such as Angélica Lozano, from the Green Party, and Carlos Fernando Motoa, from Cambio Radical, assured that the Congressmen and contractors can protect themselves with a surgical mask or “one of reusable fabric”, and for that reason they asked to desist from that purchase.


In social networks, the majority of people who said they felt it were located in Santander, although some also said they had felt it slightly in Bogota u00e1.


So far, no victims or material damage have been reported.



Information in development u2026

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According to a recording spread by Univisi u00f3n on Instagram, the first time the artist was infected with the virus it was so serious that she came to think that not winning the battle.


The actress, who resides in Mexico, He managed to plan in the hands of who will finish his son, how should he take care of them, who are most responsible for his well-being and what was his desire in himself for Her future.



Taking into account that this was a difficult moment for her, the Colombian decided to put away those negative thoughts and assured that being away from Dante has been the most complicated thing, because she got to the point of not wanting to see her more by video call.


Garc u00eda is currently much better; He even sent a moving message in the Mothers Day, where he remembered his love.


Here, the recording from Univisi u00f3n:














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and left instructions on the future of Dante, his 2-year-old son


A post shared by Famous Univision (@univisionfamosos) on




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The situation in the prison of the departmental capital would reach the point where one of the inmates who went to home prison was infected with coronavirus and died in a health center after his condition worsened. , added the Governor.





The president of the Sinalpec union, dragoneante Luis D u00edaz, he said to El Tiempo that 95 tests were carried out in the prison last week, of which only 10 prisoners showed negative results.


D u00edaz also detailed that among the sick there would be 10 seniors, not counting that 3 out of 30 prison officials were also infected.


That newspaper says that the first hypotheses maintain that the virus was spread in the prison by one of the guards who consulted a doctor who was later diagnosed with a coronavirus.



According to El Espectador, before the report of the Amazon Government there were 899 cases of COVID-19 in the prisons of the country, with the Ibagu u00e9 and Villavicencio prisons being the most serious.


As of this Monday, Amazonas is the department with the highest number of cases per million inhabitants (966), followed by Meta (343) and Bogot u00e1.

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u201cMedell u00edn has applied to host the finals of the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana in 2023. This in order to continue being the capital of sport, continue to bring the best national and international sporting events to our city u201d , the director of the Institute of Sports and Recreation of Medellin (Inder Medellin), Diana Toro, said in a video disclosed to the press.


The official added that the capital of the department of Antioquia has enough hotel infrastructure, transportation and a varied cultural option to receive fans who can travel to that city.


u201cWith hospitality and joy, we will welcome Conmebol and the fans of the teams so that they can have the best experience of Medell u00edn u201d, added Toro in the letter.



The second leg of the Copa Libertadores final has been played on two occasions in Medellin: the first was in 1995 when Atlâtico Nacional equal u00f3 1-1 with Gremio and the Brazilian team was crowned u00f3 champion, and the second in 2016, when the club u2018Verdolaga u2019 defeated Independiente del Valle 1-0 and raised the title.


It also hosted two first-leg games of the South American final: the first in 2002 when San Lorenzo defeated Atl u00e9tico Nacional 0-4 and ended up winning the title, and the second in 2014. , when River Plate took a valuable 1-1 from u2018Verde u2019 and sold the series in their favor in the second leg.

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The document was prepared by the Public Ministry since last Friday, hours after it became known that the Government hired the Du Brands company to position the head of state online u00ed0 u00a0for a value of 3,500 million pesos.


However, the text was known until this Monday and in this the delegate prosecutor to monitor the actions of the Public Function, Liliana Caballero, asks for explanations to the director of the Peace Fund, Juan Carlos Vargas.



n n Lu00edder de proyecto para mejorar imagen de Duque en redes es cercano n n



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To be clear about the use of public resources, the official asks 6 questions:


1. What were the reasons of opportunity and need that supported the signing of the contract?


2. What was the analysis to choose this firm as the best id to execute the contract? In addition, it asks you to establish the budget of the contract, the obligations and the term.


3. What is the rationale for the Peace Fund to sign a contract for official publicity in the midst of the health emergency? In the same sense, the control body also wants to know the guidelines of the National Government that are aimed at the adequate use of public resources and their prioritization to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic. u201d.



n n Dinero del Gobierno a paz durante pandemia n n



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4. u00bfWhy the contract leaves to the contractor u201 the implementation of comprehensive digital communication strategies, the production of content and the administration of the digital channels of communication of u00a0u0f3n u00f0n President and u20a0la Presidencia u201d?


5. How does this contract contribute to the fulfillment of the purpose and functions of the Peace Fund? This, taking into account that the object of this strategy is very far from the objective that said objective must meet. background whose object is u201c financing peace programs aimed at promoting the reintegration into civilian life of armed groups, who demonstrate their willingness to join civilian life through their demobilization and the abandonment of arms u201d .


6. What was the analysis that the Fund for Peace did when you structured and signed this service provision contract?


In the last hours, another contract was also known, which allocated 480 million pesos in order to measure the Duke's Cabinet Approval Index also with money from the Peace Fund.

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u201cHe was a great father, grandfather and most dedicated husband for about 62 years. You will be greatly missed. I love you daddy, the protagonist of the remembered saga u2018A Night at the Museum u2019 said via Twitter.




The long-standing actor began his career in the 1950s, being widely recognized for his humorous character, his on-screen beginnings were with his wife, Anne Meara. Decades later he will play Frank Constanza in the series u2018Seinfeld u2019, this being his character most remembered by the followers.



In the last few years, he was seen sharing on the big screen with his son Ben in movies like u2018Zoolander u2019 and u2018 Compulsive Marriage u2019 where he performed some minor roles. In addition he is also remembered for being one of the pioneering artists in the theater.


Jerry Stiller served in World War II and later earned a degree in dramaturgy from Syracuse University, then moved to New York where he began his career on television and stage.

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With 830 deaths in the 24 hours of Monday, the total balance of deceased in that country stands at 80,352, according to the count published by Johns Hopkins University.


The United States had recorded 776 deaths from coronavirus the previous day, according to figures that are continually updated, representing a hopeful recovery. However, it is too early to say that these figures indicate a slowdown in the real trend.


The United States, according to official figures, is the country most affected by both the number of deaths and the number of cases (without taking into account the size of its population).


In New York City, with nearly 20,000 deaths, a quarter of the reported deaths have been recorded. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned on Monday that the number of deaths in New York may be underestimated by several thousand.



The jumper of the 50,000 deaths was surpassed two weeks ago, on April 24, in the United States and it is expected that by May 30 the United States will register 103,000 deaths, according to an average of 20 epidemiological models carried out by researchers from the University of Massachusetts.


While the epidemic is declining in New York City, new outbreaks have appeared elsewhere, such as in the capital, Washington. More than 1.34 million cases of covid-19 have also been diagnosed in the country, according to Johns Hopkins University.


"We have developed a testing capacity that is unmatched in the world," Trump said Monday at the White House, noting that "nine million tests have been conducted in the country.

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El secretario de Gobierno,u00a0Luis Ernesto Gu00f3mez, le dijo a Blu Radiou00a0que ya se estu00e1n delimitando los cuadrantes en la zona de Kennedy central, sector afectado con la medida.


La otra UPZ afectada, segu00fan la frecuencia radial, es Amu00e9ricas, que se suma a los sectores en alerta naranja.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pezn n



Artu00edculo relacionado


u201cResponsabilidad de mandarnos a trabajar es de Duque; la de cuidarnos es nuestrau201d: Lu00f3pez



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Gu00f3mez agregu00f3 en ese medio que la Administraciu00f3n Distrital estaru00e1 este martes en la UPZ Amu00e9ricas, mientras el miu00e9rcoles llegaru00e1n a la zona de Maru00eda Paz.


Recalcu00f3 queu00a0el aislamiento es progresivo y se debe u201cgarantizar que todos reciban un acompau00f1amiento del Distritou201d.



n n Bogotu00e1, el  11 de mayo de 2020n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


u00a1Quu00e9 juicio! Bogotu00e1 parece cumplir cuarentena, pese a inicio de la reactivaciu00f3n econu00f3mica



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Los ciudadanos siguen sin hacer caso


Pese a las restricciones, Noticias RCN registru00f3 que en sectores como Maru00eda Paz habu00eda u201ccientos de ciudadanos en las callesu201d. La mayoru00eda, vendedores informales.


De otro lado, en el sector de Patio Bonito se veu00edan ciclistas, buses del SITP llenos y trancones en las principales vu00edas de la localidad, agregu00f3 el informativo.

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u201cColoquu00e9 hoy, porque salud es vida, gimnasios, salones de belleza y peluqueru00edasu201d en la lista de actividades esenciales, dijo el mandatario a periodistas al regresar por la noche a su residencia oficial en Brasilia.


u201cQuien estu00e1 en casa como sedentario, por ejemplo, estu00e1 aumentando su colesterol, el problema del estru00e9s, un montu00f3n de problemas. Pero si pudiese ir a un gimnasio, lu00f3gicamente conforme a las normas del Ministerio de Salud, va a tener una vida mu00e1s saludable. Igual con el peluquero. Y pintarse las uu00f1as, arreglarse el cabello, etc, es una cuestiu00f3n de higieneu201d, agregu00f3.


u201cEsas tres categoru00edas ayudan a mu00e1s de un millu00f3n de empleosu201d, subrayu00f3.



No obstante, el ministro de Salud, Nelson Teich, seu00f1alu00f3 al ser interrogado durante una rueda de prensa que no estaba al tanto del decreto. Al ser informado por periodistas al respecto, respondiu00f3 que se trataba de una u201catribuciu00f3n del Presidenteu201d, aunque luego sostuvo que era mu00e1s bien de la u00f3rbita del ministerio de Economu00eda, pero en ningu00fan caso de la cartera de Salud.


El decreto, que incluye tambiu00e9n actividades industriales y de construcciu00f3n civil, podru00eda quedar sin efecto pru00e1ctico, dado que la Corte Suprema determinu00f3 el mes pasado que gobernadores y alcaldes tienen autonomu00eda para decidir medidas de lucha contra la pandemia.


La Covid-19 deju00f3 hasta el lunes 11.519 muertes y 168.331 afectados en Brasil.

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Durante la conversaciu00f3n, Luisa empezu00f3 aclarando que no fue ella quien le aconseju00f3 al cantante que se tinturara el pelo, pues a ella le gustan los hombres u201cpelinegros y cejonesu201d, como el estilo que tenu00eda antes u00e9l.


Sin embargo, aseguru00f3 que le encantu00f3 cu00f3mo luce ahora el padre de su hijo, aunque tiene claro que el cabello rubio no le queda bien a todo el mundo:


u201cHay unos manes que se tinturan el pelo de mono y parecen unas ratasu201c, aclaru00f3 la tambiu00e9n u2018instagrameru2019 luego de que su amiga Dani Duke confesara que fue ella quien le aconseju00f3 este cambio al artista.



n n Pipe Buenon n



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u201cExperimenten, equivou0301quenseu201d: Pipe Bueno, al mostrar que ahora es rubio



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Todo se habru00eda dado porque Pipe planeaba calvearse, pero Daniela le dijo que jugara un poco con los colores de su pelo antes de hacer eso, y u00e9l no tuvo problema en hacerlo. Por los quu00edmicos de la tintura, Luisa no pudo ayudarle con el proceso.


Aquu00ed, la grabaciu00f3n que fue rescatada por una cuenta de chismes:














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#LuisaFernandaW respondiu00f3 en un live con #MarcelaReyes las cru00edticas donde aseguraban que ella era la autora intelectual del cambio de color de pelo de #PipeBueno comparu00e1ndolo con los exs de la influenciadora ud83dudc87ud83cudffcu200du2642ufe0f


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Estuvo internada una semana. Pensu00f3 que moriru00eda, sola, en una clu00ednica de Bogotu00e1. Pero ya estu00e1 de vuelta al sitio donde pudo contraer la enfermedad y trabaja como enfermera.


El temor a un nuevo contagio va de la mano de la vocaciu00f3n y la necesidad. En medio del confinamiento general, su marido, arquitecto, perdiu00f3 temporalmente el empleo, segu00fan cuenta a la AFP.


Asu00ed que ella, u201cla u00fanica que estu00e1 manteniendo la casau201d y a sus hijos de 19 y 16 au00f1os, volviu00f3 a ejercer el oficio que esta pandemia convirtiu00f3 en de altu00edsimo riesgo.



Cecilia Vargas, presidenta de la Asociaciu00f3n Colegial de Enfermeru00eda, cree que u201ccerca del 40 o 50 %u201d de los 326.000 auxiliares y profesionales de enfermeru00eda que hay en Colombia u201487 % mujeresu2014 son cabezas de familia.


Tambiu00e9n, dentro del personal de salud, son los mu00e1s afectados por el virus, con el 45 % de los cerca de 500 casos detectados. En el pau00eds los contagios superan los 8.600, con casi 380 muertes, segu00fan el Instituto Nacional de Salud.


u201cMi mayor temor (es) volverme a contagiaru201d, admite Zu00e1rate, de 47 au00f1os. Las investigaciones todavu00eda no arrojan resultados concluyentes sobre la eventual inmunidad que podru00edan desarrollar los recuperados de la enfermedad.


u201cVu00edctima idealu201d


Zu00e1rate baraja las dos u00fanicas opciones de contagio en su caso: u201cSi no fue en el trabajo, fue en el transporte pu00fablicou201d.


El 17 de marzo sintiu00f3 dolores de espalda y una ligera fatiga, y luego llegaron las migrau00f1as y dificultades para respirar. El 26 fue internada bajo sospecha de COVID-19 en la misma clu00ednica privada donde trabaja.


Cuando se enfermu00f3, once du00edas despuu00e9s de que se reportara el primer caso en Colombia, las medidas de protecciu00f3n no eran u201ctan dru00e1sticas como ahorau201d en las que sus colegas u201cparecen astronautasu201d con el equipo de bioseguridad.


Lo cierto es que Zu00e1rate era una u201cvu00edctima idealu201d por sus antecedentes. Hace unos 25 au00f1os contrajo una infecciu00f3n pulmonar y desde entonces ha sufrido cuatro neumonu00edas.


Aislada en una habitaciu00f3n, en los primeros du00edas temiu00f3 fallecer sin despedirse de sus familiares.


u201cSi yo me muero, me muero aquu00ed solau201d, pensu00f3. u201cTodas esas ideas, todos esos pensamientos no lo dejan a uno tranquilo y obviamente que uno se deprimeu201d.


Vomitu00f3, estuvo bajo oxu00edgeno y a punto de ser llevada a cuidados intensivos, pero inesperadamente se recuperu00f3 y tras 14 du00edas de enfermedad volviu00f3 a trabajar.


Junto a la necesidad, pesa mucho su vocaciu00f3n. u201cMe encanta mi profesiu00f3nu201d, a pesar de que u201cel riesgo no nos ha aumentado al 100 %, sino como al 500 %u201d.


No exagera. Segu00fan Edilma Suu00e1rez, directiva de la Asociaciu00f3n Nacional de Enfermeras, estas mujeres, por encima de otros trabajadores, son las que comparten y acompau00f1an a los pacientes.


Y u201cal paso que vamosu201d esa cifra de contagios u201cva a subir violentamenteu201d, seu00f1ala, por su parte, la presidenta de la Asociaciu00f3n Colegial de Enfermeru00eda.


Una encuesta hecha en abril revelu00f3 que 37 % de los casi mil trabajadores de la salud entrevistados pensu00f3 en renunciar por falta de condiciones laborales y de protecciu00f3n para enfrentar la pandemia.


Zozobra laboral


Por estos du00edas, los enfermeros reciben homenajes en el mundo. Pero en Colombia tambiu00e9n han sido agredidos por gente que los seu00f1ala de ser fuente de contagio.


u201cHa sido mu00e1s fu00e1cil el manejo con mis colegas que con la gente particularu201d, explica Zu00e1rate. u201cEllos entienden que ya mis pruebas salieron negativas y que yo ya en el momento no tengo COVIDu201d.


Ademu00e1s, los enfermeros estu00e1n lejos de los buenos salarios. En promedio, los auxiliares pueden ganar el equivalente a unos 305 du00f3lares mensuales contra 672 para los jefes de turno, segu00fan el ministerio de Salud. El mu00ednimo legal es de 248 du00f3lares.


En Bogotu00e1, principal plaza de trabajo, un 61 % de las 89.000 enfermeras y mujeres dedicadas a la salud no aporta al sistema de pensiones.


Y un 33 % de ellas no tenu00eda cobertura contra riesgos profesionales, segu00fan un informe de la Universidad de los Andes y la ONG de desarrollo Cuso International, publicado el au00f1o pasado.


u201cEsto significa que ante la zozobra laboralu201d desatada por la pandemia, los enfermeros u201centran en una crisis donde el bienestar y la estabilidad tanto de ese trabajador como de esa familia estu00e1n riesgou201d, advierte Vargas.


Despuu00e9s de escabullirse de la muerte, la enfermera Zu00e1rate estu00e1 en el u00e1rea de ginecologu00eda, donde no hay pacientes con COVID-19, aunque cree que seru00e1 cuestiu00f3n de du00edas para que entre en contacto con los contagiados.


Pero esta u201cfue la profesiu00f3n que escogimos y nosotros sabemos a quu00e9 atenernos desde el principiou201d, dice antes de salir de su casa hacia el trabajo.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP896811","titles":{"main":"u00a1Se cayu00f3 el negocio! Senado queru00eda tapabocas N95 para funcionarios, y mu00e9dicos reclamaron","facebook":"Todo ese dinero para protegerlos mientras mu00e9dicos tienen que sacar de su bolsillo.","seo":"Senado queru00eda tapabocas N95 para funcionarios, y mu00e9dicos reclamaron"},"phrases":{"main":"Los cuestionamientos del personal de la salud van en el sentido en que estos tapabocas son los que se necesitan para enfrentar el coronavirus en las clu00ednicas."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/senado-queria-tapabocas-n95-para-funcionarios-medicos-reclamaron-PP896811"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jeey.cruz","name":"Jeey Cruz"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 11, 2020 06:11 pm","updated":1589221839,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Contrato del Senado para comprar tapabocas N95","credit":"Getty-archivo","description":"Imagen de referencia de los tapabocas N95","alt":"Contrato del Senado para comprar tapabocas N95","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["coronavirus","Senado de la Repu00fablica","Tapabocas"],"sources":[{"title":"u201cIgnorantesu201d:comprade10000tapabocasqueplaneaelSenadocausaindignaciu00f3n""url":"https://noticiascaracoltvcom/coronavirus-covid-19/ignorantes-compra-de-10000-tapabocas-que-planea-el-senado-causa-indignacion-nid228470-ie215""source":"[{"title":"u201cIgnorantesu201d:comprade10000tapabocasqueplaneaelSenadocausaindignaciu00f3n""url":"https://noticiascaracoltvcom/coronavirus-covid-19/ignorantes-compra-de-10000-tapabocas-que-planea-el-senado-causa-indignacion-nid228470-ie215""source":"[{"title":"u201cIgnorantesu201d:comprade10000tapabocasqueplaneaelSenadocausaindignaciu00f3n""url":"https://noticiascaracoltvcom/coronavirus-covid-19/ignorantes-compra-de-10000-tapabocas-que-planea-el-senado-causa-indignacion-nid228470-ie215""source":"[{"title":"u201cIgnorantesu201d:comprade10000tapabocasqueplaneaelSenadocausaindignaciu00f3n""url":"https://noticiascaracoltvcom/coronavirus-covid-19/ignorantes-compra-de-10000-tapabocas-que-planea-el-senado-causa-indignacion-nid228470-ie215""source":"bocas ","fuente":"bocas "},{"title":"La Direcciu00f3n General Administrativa del Senado de la Repu00fablica se permite comunicar:","url":"","source":"Senado de la Repu00fablica","fuente":"Senado de la Repu00fablica"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

No obstante, a los mu00e9dicos y enfermeras, en su mayoru00eda, no los han dotado de este tipo de protecciu00f3n, y fue por eso que hasta los mismos congresistas criticaron que el Senado quiera usar dinero para adquirir 10.000 tapabocas N95.


Luego de estos cuestionamientos, desde la direcciu00f3n Administrativa del Senado se confirmu00f3, por medio de un comunicado, que u201cel proceso de orden de compra fue cancelado y se ampliaru00e1n las consultas (Instituto Nacional de Salud) en pos de salvaguardar la integridad del talento humano de la entidad y las condiciones de compra de estos insumos a mediano plazou201d.


Y es queu00a0Noticias Caracol dio a conocer que la compra de esos elementos era de 180 millones de pesos, y que desde la entidad se argumentu00f3 que el objetivo era u201cdar cumplimientou201d a las normas de salud, y que se hizo u201cpensando en el costo beneficiou201d de lo que duraru00eda uno convencional.


u201cRequiere adquirir los elementos de protecciu00f3n personal tendientes a prevenir y mitigar el riesgo de contagio del coronavirus de los honorables senadores, funcionarios y contratistasu201d, explicu00f3 el noticiero.


Fue por eso que el coordinador para COVID-19 del Hospital de Leticia, Roberto Sandoval, dijo en el noticiero que le parece u201cuna falta de respetou201d con el personal de la salud, que en muchas ocasiones ha tenido que adquirir estos tapabocas con dinero de sus salarios.


u201cSon unos ignorantes. Nosotros necesitamos medidas de protecciu00f3n especu00edfica y ellos -que estu00e1n en la parte administrativa- contando con las medidas de protecciu00f3n especu00edficasu201d, agregu00f3 el mu00e9dico.



Senadores como Angu00e9lica Lozano, del Partido Verde, y Carlos Fernando Motoa, de Cambio Radical, aseguraron que los congresistas y contratistas pueden protegerse con un tapabocas quiru00fargico o u201cuno de tela reutilizableu201d, y por eso pidieron desistir de esa compra.

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