Investigate Excessive Funeral Fees


But the measure will not only be brought forward for the alleged overcharges, but for other apparent irregularities in the provision of funeral services for those killed by coronavirus, SIC said in a statement.

“These actions are carried out after complaints were known […] related to delays in the provision of the service, poor handling of the information provided to relatives of deceased persons and additional charges, taking advantage of the health emergency decreed by the Government because of COVID-19, ”he explained.

In its communication, the entity also indicated that it asked the funeral homes to give details of “the biosafety procedures” that they have been implementing in cases related to the pandemic.


Likewise, it reported some of the fines that funeral sites could face that are not complying with the regulations and charges agreed “in the framework of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency, of March 17, 2020.”

“In case of finding any conduct that violates the rights of consumers, such as misleading or insufficient information, abusive clauses, lack of quality, suitability, security or other infraction in terms of the Consumer Statute fines of up to 2,000 SMMLV may be imposed [salarios mínimos legales vigentes]“Highlighted the Superintendency.

And he pointed out saying that those who do not respond to their requirements, “In term and in full”, They could also be fined up to a thousand minimum wages.
