Juan Fernando Quintero supports Fredy Guarín and remembers the bond that binds him to his daughter


Short and at the foot! This was the message of Juan Fernando Quintero to support Fredy Guarin after the episode of domestic violence for which he was arrested last Thursday.

On his Instagram account, the creative flyer published a photo in which he appears with Guarín and James Rodríguez. He highlighted the affection he feels for the Millionaires player and he remembered that they are practically family

“Aiming is easy… live it. Everyone knows how difficult it is, “Quintero shot on the popular social network.

Then he remembered that Guarín is his daughter’s godfather and spoke directly to his friend: “I love you brother”.

Juan Fernando Quintero sent more messages of support to Fredy Guarín

It was not only in the ‘post’ of Instagram where ‘Juanfer’ expressed his support. In his stories, the player published a message in which a photograph is seen with Guarín already Falcao garcia.

He mentioned again that they are compadres and expressed – again – the love he feels for Guarín, who also He has received messages of support from his ex-girlfriend Sara Uribe and of his current partner Pauleth Pastrana.

Image taken from the Twitter account @juanferquinterop.
Image taken from the Twitter account @juanferquinterop.
