Invima authorizes use of Janssen vaccine in Colombia


Aldana recalled that It is one of the coronavirus vaccines in whose trials 5,800 Colombians participated, but he also highlighted the two characteristics that differentiate it from the others that are used so far in the country.

The first, and the one that has made it almost unique in the world, is that its application only comprises a single doseTherefore, inoculated people do not need to be scheduled for a second injection, as is the case with other laboratories used in the country.

Secondly, it is also the only one that does not require deep freezing in special containers and refrigerators. Its conservation requires a temperature between 2 ° C and 8 ° C, so it is much less complicated to distribute.

Those two properties make Janssen’s vaccine is suitable for use in remote areas of Colombia because it is simpler to transport and because those who receive it will be immunized with the single dose.

After those of Pfizer, Sinovac and AstraZeneca, the vaccine of the multinational Johnson & Johnson thus becomes the fourth can begin to be used in the country as soon as it arrives.
