Tremendous downpour! Report floods and hailstorms due to rains in Bogotá


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According to the Institute for Risk Management and Climate Change (IDIGER) there is rainfall in much of the city. Fontibón, Engativá and San Cristóbal were some of the areas where the heaviest rains occurred.

The first rainy season has already started in Bogotá. On the afternoon of this Friday, March 19, there were heavy rains in the city. However, according to the Institute for Risk Management and Climate Change (IDIGER), the heaviest rainfall occurred in the southwest of the city.

>>> Read: Don’t go out without an umbrella, the first rainy season will start in March in Bogotá

Social media users reported flooding and even hail. For that reason, there was traffic congestion. According to IDIGER, Engativá, San Cristóbal, Ciudad Bolívar, Puente Aranda and Usme are the towns that present, so far, the most accumulated rain.

At the moment, firefighters are checking the Bogotá riverbed to prevent overflows. The Ministry of Mobility reported that a tree fell on 26th Street (El Dorado Avenue), but fortunately, no one was injured. In addition, the facilities of the El Salitre Transportation Terminal were also flooded.

People who are driving are advised to slow down and take extreme precautionary measures. Likewise, in the event of an emergency, call line 123 to request help.
