Coronavirus in Colombia today March 15: figures and main news


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The Ministry of Health reported 2,740 new cases of coronavirus and 100 deaths this Friday. Countries such as Italy, France and Germany have suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for fear that it will cause blood clots, but there is no indication that this is the case.

Today, Monday, March 15, 2021, the Ministry of Health reported 2,740 new cases of coronavirus and 100 deaths. With these figures, the country reaches a total of 2,305,884 confirmed cases since the pandemic began and 61,243 deaths. The number of people recovered is 2,206,210.

Regarding vaccines, the Ministry of Health reported that yesterday, March 14, 51,933 doses of vaccines against Covid-19 were applied. It is the first day that the country manages to overcome the barrier of 100,000 doses in just 24 hours. In total, the National Vaccination Plan against covid-19 already accumulates 843,204 doses applied. (You can see more: Colombia exceeded 100,000 vaccinated per day)

AstraZenca vaccine suspended in European countries for fear of blood clots

Denmark suspends vaccination with AstraZeneca due to possible effects of thrombi ”, assured the EFE Agency. “Denmark suspends vaccination with AstraZeneca after several cases of serious thrombi,” warned the newspaper ABC of Spain. “Denmark suspended the application of the AstraZeneca vaccine and is investigating whether it influenced cases of thrombosis in patients,” noted the Infobae portal. (Read Vaccines for the coronavirus: syringes also matter … and a lot)

The ads quickly made AstraZeneca trending on Twitter. Thousands of users, upon seeing the news, expressed their concern at the alleged “adverse effects” of the biological. A whole breeding ground for anti-vaccine movements.

However, before getting scared, you have to understand in more detail what happened in Europe. Let’s start by saying that the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the highest authority in these matters, assured that, currently, “there is no indication that vaccination has caused these conditions.” (“There is no indication that the AstraZeneca vaccine causes thrombi ”)
