Guadalupe Curual, the 20-year-old who was murdered in Argentina.


The young woman, mother of a one-year-old baby, was murdered by her ex-partner, a man identified as Bautista Quintriqueo (33 years old), in the heart of that Argentine city, Clarín reported.

According to testimonies from family and friends of the young woman, compiled by that newspaper, she had been suffering from constant harassment by the subject, who is also the father of the one-year-old girl.

“She knew something could happen. 48 hours ago he sent her messages with threats, he told her what was going to happen to her. That is why she felt threatened, ”said Valeria Navarro, a friend of the young woman, in that newspaper.

The reports of the Argentine authorities, cited by that means, give details of how the murder happened.

The young woman, who was in her car with her daughter, noticed that someone was following her in another vehicle. A few minutes later, She realized that the car that was following her was that of her ex-partner, added that medium.

Scared, the woman parked in front of a city fire station and He ran off to divert the subject’s attention and thus save his daughter (the girl stayed in the vehicle), added that newspaper.

Quintriqueo parked and chased the woman, until caught up with her and assaulted her repeatedly with a knife he wore. Everything happened in the heart of Villa La Angostura, the Télam news agency said.

After committing the crime, the subject tried to flee to a nearby bus station, but there was detained by plainclothes policemen who were walking around the site, pointed out that agency.

Guadalupe’s murderer was taken to a medical center, with police custody, and will be charged in the next few hours for the crime of homicide classified as femicideadded Télam.

This is the video of the moment of the arrest of the criminal:

Femicide: message left in networks by the murdered woman in Argentina

Hours after the shocking case was known, some publications went viral on social networks and messages that the young woman had shared with her friends.

“I was born to be free. Not murdered ”, was one of the publications she made on Facebook, where she also uploaded photos and messages for the“ Not one less ”campaign to reject femicides in that country.

In the same way, it was known that the young woman had already denounced the subject 3 times, but that he kept harassing and threatening her.

“The murderer was in Villa Traful -80 kilometers from Villa La Angostura- and He told her that when he returned he was going to kill her, that if it wasn’t his it wouldn’t be anyone’s“, Concluded a friend of Guadalupe, in dialogue with Télam.
