New conviction against Liliana Pardo for the hiring carousel in Bogotá


Featured news from Bogota

The former director of the IDU was convicted of irregularities in the so-called third phase of Transmilenio. This is his second conviction in the process against the former official who is a fugitive from justice.

Due to the irregularities that occurred around phase III of Transmilenio and are part of the hiring Carousel, the criminal judge 38 of Bogotá sentenced the former director of the IDU, Liliana Pardo, to 10 years in prison, against whom there is already a conviction 19-year-old and a red Interpol circular for evading justice.

On this occasion, the former official was found guilty of the crime of bribery and sentenced to pay a fine of 109 monthly minimum wages in force. Given the facts, the defense indicated that it will appeal the decision, while the judge ordered his immediate arrest.

Pardo has a red Interpol circular, because six years ago he decided to escape, after he was granted freedom due to the expiration of the term, in the middle of the process against him for the crimes of embezzlement by aggravated appropriation in favor of third parties, undue interest in the conclusion of contracts and contracts without compliance with legal requirements, all within the framework of the hiring carousel.

In the first instance, the former director of the IDU was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but in the second instance, the Superior Court of Bogotá, upheld the sentence and reduced it to 19 years and 9 months in prison by showing that she had participated in the modification of the specifications to benefit contractors such as Nule, Julio Gómez and Emilio Tapia with millionaire road contracts, for which it would have caused a patrimonial loss of $ 3,931 million for the city, during the execution of the Transmilenio phase III project during the administration by Samuel Moreno.
