Elections in Ecuador: sound of a bird proved that ELN video was false


In Ecuador, a video circulated in which the ELN allegedly supported the correista candidate Andrés Arauz. It was fake.

Manuel Sánchez, an ornithologist and bird guide, helped to deny one of the false videos that circulated in Ecuador with the aim of damaging the campaign of the correista candidate Andrés Arauz.

Shortly before the polls were opened last Sunday, a video supposedly recorded in the “Colombian jungle” featured three masked and armed men who claimed to belong to the National Liberation Army (ELN) and who expressed their support for Arauz in the elections. .

There have already been several attempts to link the ELN with the Arauz campaign. But the video is a montage, according to Sánchez’s explanation. The ornithologist recognized the sound of a tinamú, an enigmatic bird that is not native to Colombia. This, added to the odd accents and weaponry, undermined the entire authenticity of the video.

“I recognized the hiss instantly and knew that the video could not have been filmed in Colombia… Tinamous are quite primitive birds. They live on the forest floor and do not sing; they have short and related whistles, ”the expert explained to The Guardian.

“I know that the bomber who starts saying sloppy things like: ‘The ELN is in Ecuador’, well no, just look at those weapons. Other birds in the recording: Turdus maculirostris (Ecuadorian Blackbird) and Thrush (Dives warczewiczi). That’s just ”, added Sánchez.

Although the ELN has operated in northern Ecuador, there is no record of activity in the specific areas of the ecosystem in which the tinamú lives.

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It is not the first time that ornithologists cooperate in a research effort. The Colombian military, for example, has used their help to locate hostages, according to The Guardian.

Sánchez took the opportunity to clarify on Twitter account that the correistas who should not celebrate much. The ecosystem where this bird lives is highly threatened, and one of the causes is deforestation caused by the failed Pacific Refinery project that Rafael Correa tried to carry out together with former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez.

Ecuador is awaiting the final results of the first round of the presidential elections, amid accusations of fraud made by the candidates who are fighting for second place.

“They have already prepared a table that is circulating on social networks where apparently in the end the candidate Guillermo Lasso would be left with 24,000 votes on our candidacy when we, at this time, have a little more than 50,000 votes difference,” complained the candidate Yaku Pérez.

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