Ana María Castro: Paul offers compensation for the death of the young woman – Investigative Unit


The Prosecutor’s Office is ready to impute femicide aggravated photographer Paul Naranjo by the violent death of the young woman Ana Maria Castro, occurred on March 5, 2020.

The prosecuting body refused to change the crime despite the fact that Naranjo’s defense requested that the evidence be reevaluated and an aggravated manslaughter be raised, which provides for a sentence of between 6 and 8 years in prison.

(We suggest you read: The other alleged murderer of Ana María Castro seeks agreement with the prosecutor)


But the proposal went further. EL TIEMPO established that, in a closed-door meeting with members of the Life Unit of the Prosecutor’s Office, a large compensation was offered to the family. And his defender recalled that Paul has no record, is not dangerous and has always appealed to the judicial authorities.

Indeed, it was pointed out that the Kia truck, from which Ana María was supposedly thrown, is being paid for and has a policy that could exceed 100 million pesos.

The lawyer’s argument is that there is doubt about the responsibility of Pablo Naranjo and this should benefit your customer. Furthermore, that he would be willing to accept the charge of wrongful death and access compensation.

(Also: The testimony that entangles the accused murderers of Ana María Castro)

“In the case of femicide, compensation is not provided for fraud,” explained the criminal.

And he added that among the elements of doubt is a video in which you see when the Kia brakes, for 45 seconds, on 80th street at the height of the 68k race, and 4 shadows are seen, which would prove that Ana María came down alive.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

Lawyer Cadena told EL TIEMPO that a forensic expert delivered a report on the analysis of that video. In addition, that the first statement of Mateo Reyes ensures that Ana María was alive and Paul Naranjo and Julián Ortegón also assured.

(In context: What the autopsy of the young Ana María Castro reveals)

But the prosecution has an eyewitness who called 123 and saw the moment in which the young woman was thrown from the Kia as “a rag doll.”

For this reason, the Prosecutor’s Office refused to change the crime and this Tuesday it will charge Paul Naranjo aggravated femicide.

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