women hit each other and hit each other


A violent fight carried out by women took place in a renowned shopping center in the south of Cali
. In video recorded by a witness it is observed how they grab each other’s hair, punch each other and even hit each other.

In the recording, it is even observed when one of those involved is going to attack another woman with a chair and ends up hitting a security guard on the head, who, together with another colleague, tries to stop the fight, registered in the area where they are located. the business of sale and consumption of liquor.

“Apparently this is a Quarrel of customers with waitresses of these commercial establishments“Said Jimmy Dranguet, Undersecretary of Inspection, Surveillance and Control of the Cali Security Secretariat.

In that sense, the official indicated that, “with all the evidentiary material collected,” a work table will be established where sanctions will be imposed on the establishments involved and the people involved in the fight.

We cannot allow these mall spaces, who are also family members, visited by minors, lend themselves to heavy drinking and quarrels that put the safety of all citizens at risk ”, he noted.

The video also shows that most of the people who were in the place did not comply with the protection measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19

“This cannot be turned into a space for people to relax in biosecurity measures and generate fights due to high consumption of liquor,” added Dranguet.

Therefore, he asked the citizens extreme these measures (use of face masks, physical distancing and hand washing) and “do a moderate consumption of alcohol”.

Finally, the Undersecretary of Inspection, Surveillance and Control of the Security Secretariat of the capital of Valle del Cauca clarified that the event was presented at eleven o’clock on Friday, February 5, 2021 and that the video went viral on networks social on Saturday night.

It should also be remembered that curfew and dry law in Cali
They are in force daily between twelve at night and five in the morning.
