Subsidies: Find out if you are a beneficiary of any of the subsidies not collected in Colombia – Other Cities – Colombia


The Department of Social Prosperity (DPS) announced that it has dammed 364,602 undelivered subsidies, which are part of the Ingreso Solidario, Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción and Colombia Mayor programs.

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This was confirmed by the newspaper Portafolio, which -in addition- revealed that the subsidies that the beneficiaries have not yet claimed amount to $ 86,500 million and correspond to the last payment cycles that each of these programs has.

According to the DPS, Ingreso Solidario -program that the Government launched at the beginning of the pandemic and in which a transfer of $ 160,000 is made to those hardest hit by the crisis, has pending to deliver 160,000 aid to families, which is equivalent to 5.3 percent of the total beneficiaries and amounts to about 25 billion pesos.

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The other high amount of aid money dammed up is that of Familias en Acción, which has 124,125 unclaimed subsidies pending from a total of 2.2 million beneficiary households, which represents 36.8 billion pesos.

It should be noted that in the case of Familias en Acción, the money that we just mentioned can be accumulated until the next payment. However, if they are not collected by the next date, they will be returned to the Ministry of Finance.

How can I claim the subsidy?

Payments to older adults

The DPS informed that it will deploy several strategies to contact the beneficiaries.


Cesar Melgarejo. TIME

Susana Correa, director of the DPS, told Portafolio that each of the programs has several reasons why the beneficiaries do not collect the subsidies, but stressed that The main cause would be that people could not move easily due to restrictions due to the pandemic.

However, if you want to know if you are a beneficiary of any of these subsidies and want to collect them, the DPS reported that it will deploy several strategies to contact you, either by phone, through social networks or by visiting your home and sharing information with local or national and financial governments to verify the identity and status of the beneficiaries.

Additionally, in these links you can see if you have any payments that have been retained from any of these programs, it also explains how to claim them: Jóvenes en Acción, Ingreso Solidario, Colombia Mayor and Familias en Acción.

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