Video of a young man threatened with a firearm by graffiti in Bogotá


The minor, who in social networks is identified as ‘Sticker feel’, He told Pulzo that it all happened on Wednesday when he was crossing there with a friend, and they saw “a virgin wall” of a residential complex which is one block from the CAI of the Police.

“He was carrying a practically empty paint can, and we decided to zoom in to see. We couldn’t even get close to the wall and the man drew his weapon and threatened us, ”he said.

This scene was recorded by young people and published on their social networks, and in the images it is observed that the man draws a revolver and tells them: “Getting out of here. Are they going to throw the whole wall down? “

The man with the revolver complains that the graffiti artists managed to scratch the wall, and the young man told this medium that he only painted “an F of 10 × 8 centimeters, on a wall about six meters long.”

Image taken from Instagram
Image taken from Instagram

Young man who painted graffiti in a group of El Tintal accepts his mistake

The complainant acknowledged that he made a mistake by scratching that wall, but said that “it was not like it was for the guy to threaten with a weapon.”

In addition, he exposed his case publicly to make an invitation to tolerance, since artistic expressions cannot be ‘erased’ with images of violence.

Although the minor received support from several people who asked not to censor the art, there were also those who questioned him for painting the wall of a private property.

And it is that according to the Police Code, graffiti as an artistic expression can only be stamped in authorized areas or with prior permission from the authorities.
