Bolillo Gómez criticizes the training of players in Colombia | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League


In his second stage as coach of Independiente Medellín, Hernán Darío Gómez seeks to impress his style on a team that lacked confidence and dragged negative results. This Monday in statements with the program ‘Espn FC’ the ‘Bolillo’ was critical of the training of young players in Colombia and described them that they were still ‘in black work’.

“I arrived at Medellín and I saw players who do not know anyone, who have not played, win a plate, go out with Louis Vuitton, his glasses, his yellow hair, his painting and they attract attention, but outside the field. So where do we go? What is happening here? There are professional players in Medellín who had neither voice nor vote and the peeled were in command, they are figures without playing”, He commented.

In addition, the strategist pointed out that “you ask them, how many titles have you won? How many goals has he scored? They do not answer you and that is why football is failing. Because in minor divisions and in the sub 20 they are not working in the best way. The head of many players is to paint, they are thinking instead of playing in the Antioquia, National, Medellín or Santa Fe National Team, but in playing in Europe, when many are in black work “.

Finally, the ‘Bolillo’ highlighted that “If those pelados say that in Europe they are going to train them, but they are not going to play. We are wrong and hasty in training and changing the style of football. We are not playing how we live but how they want to impose us, to win titles and become world champions. We are not yet to be world champions ”.

Independiente Medellín is preparing to face the semifinal of the Colombia Cup, a trophy that it already reached in 2019 and they are looking to defend it. Although they must first beat Deportes Quindío in Armenia on Wednesday.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano

FUTBOLRED correspondent


On twitter: @ juanchoserran8
