Job offers at Grupo Argos in Colombia; Medellin and more


For this 2021, there are several offers that some organizations such as Wom, Dian or Inpec have launched. This time, the opportunity is for him Argos Group, which has posted a few vacancies that focus on Medellín and other regions nationwide:

Grupo Argos vacancies in Medellín

  • The energy company of Grupo Argos, Celsia, is asking a person, “management professional or related areas with specialization, occupying a position in the marketing area ”.

This will be in charge of define electric mobility business strategies, “Focused on brand positioning and development of new and retail channels.” Languages ​​are not required for this job and whoever is interested must have at least six years of experience in related positions.

  • Argos is requiring a apprentice, which is in charge of “organizing databases and providing support across the Mass Channel area”. Within your responsibilities you will find inventory management or support in digital marketing management.

The person who wishes to apply for the position, in addition to being a systems technician, must have basic knowledge in Power BI and intermediate Excel.

  • On the operations side, the company is looking for a apprentice that “supports in a transversal way the different fronts of the area”. His main tasks are to carry out inventory control, implement strategies in the control process and carry out field work.

To keep in mind, the requested education is in logistics and administrative management, and that Excel is handled.

  • A engineering professional mechanical, mechatronic, civil, industrial, processes or chemistry is being required by the company Celsia. Its objective will be to lead “the implementation of energy efficiency opportunities in combustion system equipment.”

Have ten years of experience, of which five of them focused on systems design, is one of the main conditions to be able to apply. No additional languages ​​are required in this job.

  • Celsia is looking for a Professional in systems engineering, computing or telecommunications to occupy the position of operator in real time. Their tasks will be to carry out supervision, control and management of the transmission network, network maintenance and real-time management.

Several things are needed for this job, including a minimum of two years experience, reading in english language, and some knowledge and certificates in, for example, “GPON networks ‘and’ FITx”.

Vacancies in Manizales and Bijao of Grupo Argos

  • Argos requests An apprentice that helps, in a transversal way, in the different fronts of the concrete plant in Manizales. His responsibilities will focus on taking the temperature, sending documentation or checking the expiration of extinguishers.

In order to apply, you must handle intermediate Excel and be a technologist in the field of human talent management and administration.

  • Grupo Argos is in need of a maintenance operator at the Bijao headquarters. Their role is to ensure compliance with the company’s security standards and procedures. It will also contribute to the protection of the environment.

Who is interested must meet a work experience and a level of industrial baccalaureate.

Find all the offers in this link.
