Revocation hearing against the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, by CNE – Bogotá


This Monday the public hearing to revoke the mayor of Bogotá Claudia López is brought forward.

The event is broadcast on the YouTube account of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and brings together the mayor and the promoting committee ‘Let’s recover Santafé without de facto roads, by the way of institutionality, that is, revoke the mandate of the mayor from Bogotá, Claudia López ‘, summoned by citizen Nidia Esperanza Márquez Monroy.

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This Monday, in addition, the hearing against the mayor of Medellín Daniel Quintero, who also faces a recall process, was brought forward.

(To continue reading: How many vaccines from the first batch will Bogotá receive?)

We have been so focused on the pandemic, on taking care of ourselves, on the challenges and needs of the pandemic

José Miguel Santamaría Gómez, spokesman for the Committee promoting the revocation of Claudia López, began his presentation by talking about the breaches and nonconformity of the president.

Among the breaches, he listed the meritocratic purpose inscribed in the government program. Santamaría indicates that “many appointments have been made by direct hiring, without a process, only because there is closeness with relatives of leaders and congressmen of the Green Alliance and with people who helped with the campaign. According to Gómez, there are more than 50 people who are currently working in the mayor’s office and were hired by direct hiring and did not comply with meritocratic processes.

He also said that after 4 months since the tax returns were made
The income statements or conflicts of interest of first and second line officials have not been published or kept up to date.

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Santamaría also spoke of the non-compliance with the recovery of the wetlands and pointed out that today there are works in the Juan Amarillo and Jaboque. And regarding the latest breach, that of security, he pointed out that not only has it not been fulfilled, but there is nonconformity and demotivation of the members of the Public Force. He pointed out that it was promised to double the Uri and 200 more police officers in shifts and these, supposedly, are not seen.

The spokesperson also argued that there was public dissatisfaction with the construction of a hospital in Corferias, in which, he said, 14,000 million pesos were invested and only 446 people were treated. But then it was lifted and now, in this second peak of the pandemic, it is being needed.

The committee promoting the revocation added to their claims nonconformity about what happened with 13th Street, the seventh race, the ALO and the cleaning of the Bogotá river. “It seems that there is a planned program to rethink the projects.”

Also, as he said, there is nonconformity among citizens because the 4,000 ICUs announced at the beginning of the pandemic were not fulfilled and today the occupation is above 90 percent. According to Santamaría, they only increased by 140.

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What the mayor says

Mayor Claudia López, for her part, defends herself by pointing out that the city is going through a pandemic and that has led her to not only comply with a government program, “but two government programs in a single year, and we have not neglected the priorities that citizens chose at the polls. “

He noted that due to the covid-19 virus, the city is “facing the worst crisis in the history of humanity in the last 80 years.” “We have been so focused on the pandemic, on taking care of ourselves, on the challenges and the needs of the pandemic, that we may not have done enough to explain to citizens what we are doing.”

The president also defended the measures that have been taken to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and the spread of the virus. “If we had not quarantined there would have been 40,000 dead. There were not because the sacrifice is enormous of the personnel of the hospital network “.

He stressed that all the projections indicated at the beginning of the pandemic that the hospital system was going to collapse and that this has never happened.

And he also clarified that 4,000 ICUs were estimated, at the beginning, but later they saw that this was not possible, because intensivists were also needed and there was no such specialized staff. Given this, doctors and nurses had to be trained to support the intensivists.

Then, the most viable that was seen were 2,000 ICUs, and that today there are 2,030 ICUs in the city for covid and a total of 2,431.

The president has also described the efforts that have been made to help affected families with markets and money orders and women heads of households and those who must take care of their families and therefore cannot study or work.

We love and respect the institution of the Police, but we prosecute police officers who abuse them

He also spoke of helping young people so they can return to study. In fact, he pointed out that there are 6,000 new students in the public system. This is in addition to the more than 20,000 places in higher education that are being delivered.

“It is a true social revolution. It is the first time in history in which there is no talk of free public education, but free public education is given,” he said.

He assured that 50,000 companies have been lost due to the pandemic and that as a result of the economic reactivation program that his administration is carrying out, 300,000 jobs will be generated this year.
Last year it was 100,000.

He also highlighted the regional agenda of Bogotá and Cundinamarca and the departments of the central region, within the framework of which the Rape was created. Within this regional agenda, a mass transportation system based on trains and a supply system are being built. “So that the farmers who produce 52% of our food are bought fairly,” he said.

And when referring to the events of September 9 and 10, when in the midst of the protests over the death of Javier Ordóñez in the middle of a police operation, 10 young people died, The president pointed out that “we love the institution of the Police and respect it, but we prosecute the police who abuse them.”

César Augusto Rodríguez, on behalf of the Attorney General’s Office, indicated that the Public Ministry “is not going to pronounce itself” and stressed that the participation of the promoters of the revocation and the right to defense of Mayor Claudia has been guaranteed at the hearing. López and the right of citizens to information.

He announced that the Attorney General’s Office will carry out preventive surveillance of all stages of the process in order to guarantee that they are met. And that the rights of those who intend to go to the polls are guaranteed in the event that the revocation continues to advance.

What’s next in the process?

After two and a half hours, the hearing concluded. Now, the National Electoral Council (CNE) will decide what is next in the process and dates for the next steps.

