Álvaro Uribe: for the second time, they deny protection of Iván Cepeda against Uribe and his children – Investigative Unit


For Senator Iván Cepeda, dozens of messages on networks and campaigns in which former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez and his sons (Tomás and Jerónimo) describe him as “related to the Farc”, “Farc senator”, “the leader of the Farc “,” An expression of the new generation of the Farc “are a defamatory campaign against him.

In fact, it ensures that is in a defenseless state against these attacks that include photos of him with now dissidents in arms of the ex-FARC.

But the Uribe assure that Cepeda can request rectifications and not rulings of guardianship.

(We invite you to read: Uribe responds to Cepeda tutela against him and against Tomás and Jerónimo)

Under this argument, presented by the criminal lawyer Jaime Granados, lawyer for the former president and his children, a second instance judge ruled again against Cepeda.

(You may be interested: Procurator rules in favor of Cepeda in case he confronts Uribe)

In effect, it has just confirmed the guardianship ruling issued by the 79th Municipal Criminal Court with the Function of Control of Guarantees of Bogotá, of November 23, 2020, where the action brought by Cepeda was declared inadmissible and the case was sent to the Court Constitutional for possible review.

Iván Cepeda and Jesús Santrich

This is one of the photos that the criminal attorney Granados attached to the guardianship response. Senator Iván Cepeda (center) with aliases Jesús Santrich and ‘Iván Márquez’.

What did the judge say?

According to the senator, the Uribe’s statements put him in a defenseless situation. That is why he went before the guardianship judge, considering that his fundamental rights to human dignity, honor, good name, privacy had been violated, since on the part of Uribe and his children “they have initiated a systematic campaign of discredit and defamation in against them, by making slanderous and fallacious statements both on social networks and in the media.

(Also: Cadena’s strategy, Uribe’s ex-lawyer, to be free)

Granados declared the inadmissibility of the guardianship: “The plaintiff is not in a state of defenselessness that allows him to go to it, since he works as a senator of the Republic, he is a political leader, in addition to having the possibility of defending himself against any affirmation to through different social networks, including Twitter, where it has approximately more than 1,200,000 followers “.

Jaime Granados

Jaime Granados, criminal lawyer and trusted defender of the Uribe Vélez.


Claudia Rubio / TIME

But, in the judge’s discretion, “the arguments put forward by the plaintiff (Cepeda)
In their appeal they do not have the vocation to make a decision related to their interests, since guardianship is not the ideal means to defend their rights. Well, it is necessary to point out how well the judge of first instance had it, in the case sub examine the plaintiff is not an ordinary citizen, since within our Colombian society he holds a high position, such as that of a congressman, which in effect does not put him in defenseless conditions before the defendants here, which is also incidentally warn they are part of the political and public life of the country. “

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

And he adds that the senator has not asked for any rectification of the Uribe’s assertions.

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