Coronavirus | Colombia reaches 50 thousand deaths from covid-19 infections – Colombia


Worldwide, there are already 2 million deaths from covid-19. This Thursday, January 21, 395 deaths were confirmed in Colombia, thus exceeding 50 thousand deaths. The country adds 50,187 deaths and 1,972,345 confirmed cases, according to today’s report from the Ministry of Health.

There are currently 99.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in Colombia, taking into account the Dane population estimate for 2020, which is 50.3 million inhabitants.

Deaths in the capitals of the 32 departments of Colombia account for 64.1 percent of total deaths in the country.

Bogotá is the city with the most deaths reported, since 23.3% of the deaths have occurred there; that is, around 1 in 5 deaths. Cali follows, with 6.2%; Medellín, with 6%; Barranquilla, with 4.1% and Cúcuta, with 3.3%.

In the case of the departments, in Antioquia 11.1% of the deaths are concentrated. Valle del Cauca contributes 15.5%; Atlantic, 7.4%; Santander, 5.5% and Norte de Santander, 4.8%.

(Also read: The worrying contagion experienced by 4 municipalities in Cundinamarca)

This is the panorama of deaths, confirmed cases and fatality rate for each department:

As shown on the map, there are areas of the country where Covid-19 has been most lethal. This data is measured with the fatality rate, which shows how many people infected with a certain disease, in this case covid-19, have died.

In this sense, the department most affected is Córdoba, where there are more than 31 thousand confirmed cases and almost 1,700 people have died. This means that the fatality rate is 5.4%. Then there is Norte de Santander, with 5.1% fatality and Magdalena, with 4.1%.

(Also: Ecuador receives the first 8,000 doses of the vaccine against covid-19)

On the other hand, of the total confirmed cases in the country, a little more than 3 out of every 4 are of people under 60 years of age; that is, 84% of infections are concentrated in people between the ages of 0 and 59.

However, the proportion changes dramatically when reviewing deaths, since 3 out of 4 deaths caused by covid-19 have occurred in people over 60 years of age (78.1% of all deaths). The following graph shows the number of deaths by age range:

The data also shows the speed with which deaths have increased in the country. It took three months, between March (when the first contagion was known) and June 2, 2020, for Colombia to surpass the barrier of one thousand deaths from the disease caused by the coronavirus. However, on July 31 it was already being confirmed that the country had reached 10,000 deaths.

Just a month and a day later, on September 1, we already had the painful figure of 20 thousand deaths. This, due to the harsh peak of the pandemic that occurred in the month of August. On October 24, 30 thousand deaths were confirmed; later, on November 18, the figure rose to 40,000. Today we arrive at the sum of 50,187 deaths.

Finally, according to the data collected by the INS, the coronavirus has left more deaths in men than in women: Of the total deaths in the country, 63.8% corresponded to people of the biological male sex and 36%, 2, to the female biological sex. This means that almost 2 out of 3 deaths in the country from covid-19 have been of men:

** Calculations and visualizations were made with data updated to January 20. However, this does not cause the trends to vary significantly.

Evidence processed and number of recovered in Colombia today

The Ministry of Health reported 15,366 new infections in the last 24 hours, after 51,265 PCR tests and 27,677 antigens were processed.

Since the first case (confirmed on March 6, 2020), 9,419,927 samples have been processed in Colombia.

Bogotá is the city where the most cases are registered. The capital reached the figure of 576,011 confirmed infections.

In the last 24 hours, 14,964 recovered patients were confirmed. In this way, there are already 1,801,134 patients who, to date, have overcome covid-19 in Colombia, according to the report. In total, there are 115,502 cases that remain active in the country.

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Colombia currently ranks 12th among the countries with the most deaths caused by the disease, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The United States is the one that has more deaths, since it adds more than 408 thousand. Brazil follows, with almost 213 thousand; India, with almost 153 thousand and Mexico, with 144 thousand.

In terms of infections, the United States also has the first place, with more than 24.5 million infections. India follows, with 10.6 million; Brazil, with 8.6 million; Russia, with 3.6 million and the United Kingdom, with 3.5 million. Colombia ranks 11th.


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