Netflix creates aid fund for the audiovisual industry


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The $ 500,000 purse from Netflix and the Colombian Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will help more than 1,500 technical sector workers affected by the coronavirus.

For Consuelo Luzardo, technical workers are the backbone of the film and audiovisual industry. / Courtesy

How is the situation of the audiovisual industry in Colombia?

It is absolutely stopped. Not only the film and audiovisual industry, but the entire artistic industry in general. We are very concerned because the artistic activities that need an audience are those that cannot be carried out, everyone is unemployed, without work and without being able to show their work.

Netflix launches a $ 500,000 fund to support Colombian audiovisual industry workers affected by COVID-19. How is the alliance with the Academy achieved?

About a month ago we learned that Netflix created a $ 100 million fund to help workers in the sector. In principle for the United States and then it was expanded to Spain, Mexico and Brazil, so we asked them about the possibility that Colombia would enter the list of beneficiary countries. In a week and a half they gave us the happy news: for Colombia there is a fund to help the film and audiovisual industry affected by COVID-19.

Who will benefit from this fund?

Netflix is ​​very clear about the most fragile segment of workers, and that they are in need at the moment; especially the workers in the technical area who have a salary that does not exceed $ 3,500,000 per month and who became unemployed or, as we say colloquially, hanging on the brush because the film and television productions in which they were working were suspended. They are the backbone of the film and audiovisual industry.

How will the fund’s aid be distributed?

The $ 500,000 purse is intended to support more than 1,500 industry technicians and support personnel, no matter what film or television production they were working for. It will be a single payment and a single figure for all beneficiaries, which is around $ 1,200,000 per person. Netflix and the Colombian Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences (ACACC) think that it represents a relief for a family in this complicated situation, because the beneficiaries can use it for what they need. They will not receive grocery vouchers or anything like that, they will be given money that they can use for their most important needs.

How can workers access the benefit?

Applications are open from May 5, 2020 and will run for two months or until all of the fund’s resources have been allocated. The details and selection criteria for this support are available at There is also the request that must be completed and, within a period not exceeding ten days, the evaluation committee will respond.

Who select the beneficiaries?

The evaluation committee is made up of ACACC, ASOCINDE and ProimAGES Colombia, all very important representatives of the sector and known for having high standards of transparency and responsibility. ProimAGES, for example, runs the Film Development Fund, and Asocinde is the union of independent film producers, many of whom have had commercial relationships with Netflix.

The Academy also holds the Macondo Awards. What have you thought for this 2020?

Not something in particular, but we are studying, analyzing and imagining possibilities and scenarios, because given the circumstances the ceremony is suddenly unfeasible. But we must see how we will find ourselves to be able to make our award and to be able to highlight, as every year, the artistic and technical achievements of our industry.

In the audiovisual field, do you think that this quarantine helps to rethink exhibition models?

I think we all have to share a market, as it is somehow happening. I watch many movies by streaming, also on specialized cinema platforms in which they are bought or rented, but also many times I drive my cart, I go to the cinema, I buy my ticket and I feel happy to see the film in the middle of the dark and with people I don’t know. That rite is important to me and I think that for many people it is. Let’s not forget that many couple relationships can be woven around a movie invitation.


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Writing a chat with …

A chat with …

Consuelo Luzardo: “For Colombia there is a fund to help the audiovisual industry”



