Marta Lucía Ramírez rules out a new total closure due to COVID-19


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In an interview with Colprensa, the vice president pointed out that this measure is not taken in mind due to the economic impact it causes on the poorest.

Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez ruled out that the National Government is thinking of a new quarantine throughout the country such as the one decreed in 2020 to stop COVID-19 infections.

“That they are speculating that the total closure will suddenly return is unthinkable. That would be really unthinkable when we know how this affects poverty. How many families have been affected by the loss of jobs and income?

Ramírez focused on the goals that the Government has set in terms of economic reactivation and the intention to create 2 million jobs in the year and a half that remain of the government of President Iván Duque Márquez.

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“In our commitment to Colombia, we plan to generate more than 2 million jobs in the next year and a half. This is closely linked to the pacts and the entire reactivation program where we have 450 projects and investments of 173 billion pesos, some of them with public-private alliances ”, said Ramírez.

He also commented that the State is structuring some policies so that people who are in the informal economy can make the transition to the formal economy: “There is a program that we started to accompany this population in cities where there is a higher rate of informality. . We are doing this in Cúcuta, Popayán, Neiva, Ibagué, Villavicencio, Barranquilla and Cartagena with the mayors. We are going to help them to become formal by giving them access to financing, training and support in the organization ”.

Also read: Quarantine in Bogotá: this is how sales in neighborhood stores have behaved

After the Christmas and New Year holidays, the country presented an increase in the number of cases of contagion of COVID-19 and an increase in the occupation of ICU beds in several cities of the country, which forced the mayors to take more restrictive measures of mobility, with the intention of reducing the speed of contagion.

In Bogotá, for example, the hospital red alert was decreed due to ICU occupation and quarantines were established sectorized by localities, in accordance with the demand for health services.
