This Monday the recall campaign against Daniel Quintero officially begins


Members of several of the communities seeking the departure of the mayor of Medellin announced that they will file the application with the Registrar at the beginning of the week to begin the recall process.

Daniel Quintero Calle had only been mayor of Medellín for 23 days when the calls to revoke him began. Through social networks, several movements such as Medellín Cuenta Conmigo, Más Medellín, Primero Antioquia and the Alianza Reconstrucción Colombia joined for this purpose. With hashtags and videos, which even identified the mayor’s house, an imminent campaign was announced to revoke the local president.

From this Friday, January 1, the recall campaigns could officially begin, since the rulers had been in office for a year, and in the capital of Antioquia, not much time was lost to start the attempts to remove Quintero of the mayor’s office. The revocation movements announced that this Monday they will file the request with the Registrar against the current mayor.

“Reading and comparison have been a great effort, but everything is worth it for my Medellín. Today the application that will be presented at the Registrar’s Office on Monday was ready.

We are ready to defend our rights, our heritage and our beautiful Medellín ”, one of the people who is part of the revocation movements expressed on social networks.

And it is that the last days have moved the recall attempts against Quintero, especially in social networks, where on January 1 they positioned various tendencies against the mayor and in favor of his departure. They also released the schedule with which they seek to overthrow Daniel Quintero Calle.

Through a communication on Twitter, the Medellín Cuenta Conmigo movement published how the roadmap of the revocation action will be. According to this movement, between January 4 and 12 will be the registration of the committee. Then, from January 25 to February 1 would be the delivery of forms to collect signatures, these citizen groups seek to obtain 250,000 signatures, but they hardly need 91,000 signatures.

After this process, according to the planning, on April 5 the signatures will have to be delivered to the Registrar’s Office and on June 8 the acceptance of the signatures would be given. Finally, on August 8 would be the vote on the recall. If it happens, this movement has thought that October 10 would be the elections to choose a new mayor.

Amid the political turmoil, Quintero Calle has had verbal confrontations with his opponents through Twitter. “The failure of those who promote Let’s Revoke the Mayor in 2021 will be a prelude to what will happen to them in 2022,” the Medellin mayor wrote on December 27

Then, on January 1, he had a clash with Alfredo Ramos, a candidate he won in 2019. All for a trill in which the current mayor made reference to the recall: “The future looks like us. Medellín no longer belongs to them. Colombia no longer belongs to them ”. Ramos, of the Democratic Center, responded to the comment with another trill in which he called Quintero Calle corrupt. “For certain rulers,” the future “is corruption, baseness and lies. They swear that with power and public resources they can hide their mediocrity. A danger ”, reads the trill of the former candidate.
