Medellin | Daniel Quintero collides on twitter with detractors seeking his revocation – Medellín – Colombia


The mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, started 2021 by heating up the political environment in the capital of Antioquia, which will be quite moved by the call for revocation that some movements are promoting against the local president.

Quintero knows that this will be a definitive year to establish himself as an alternative mayor, as he has always cataloged himself, and consolidate a movement that could gain strength in the city for the next elections, as well as be key for the presidential elections of 2022.

(Further: The schedule of those who seek to revoke Daniel Quintero)

“The future looks like us. Medellín no longer belongs to them. Colombia no longer belongs to them,” the president trilled on the night of Friday, January 1.

But this message did not sit well with his opponents, who have cataloged him – especially the Democratic Center – as a mayor of “extreme left”, as this has been a political ideology that has traditionally scared the paisas.

And it is that since the campaign, when Quintero Calle began to rise in the polls, one of the political weapons was to link him with Gustavo Petro, head of Human Colombia.

Although the Mayor worked on the campaign for Petro’s second presidential round in 2018, he has insisted that he joined the senator today to defend the peace. In fact, in the first round he worked with Humberto de la Calle, the government’s chief negotiator during the peace talks in Havana, Cuba.

(You may be interested in: Daniel Quintero won the first battle against recall attempt)

“Young Mayor @Quintero Calle his malicious messages generate division, his actions are typical of the extreme left in the best Chavista and Petrista style, which all he seeks is to polarize, generate class division and weaken the institutional framework. The year started very badly! “replied the representative to the Chamber for the Juan Espinal Democratic Center.

The congressman was not the only member of the Democratic Center who reacted to the trill. The councilor for the Democratic Center Alfredo Ramos, who lost the 2019 elections, made a comment using the word “future”, like Quintero, but without naming him.

“For certain rulers, “The future” is corruption, baseness and lies.
They swear that with power and public resources they can hide their mediocrity.
A danger”,
he asserted.

But not only from the right did they criticize the Mayor’s message. Juan David Valderrama, who ran for mayor of Medellín, but did not get a significant vote, has spent the last few months questioning the president’s decisions. And this time was not the exception.

(Read also: Tutela against Daniel Quintero for controversial tweet about Pablo Escobar)

“Bad tone to start the year. Challenging, arrogant, insecure. Do not continue dividing the city, that calculation could be very costly for you and the city. Start governing, join the city, work to solve the problems of the city, which are many “, wrote on his Twitter account.

Daniel Quintero has been calm and confident that the revocation movement, which claims to be a citizen movement without political interests, will be defeated.

In fact, a few days ago he claimed that the recall is doomed to failure.

“The failure of those who promote #RevoquemosAlAlcalde in 2021 will be a prelude to what will happen to them in 2022”, The Mayor asserted, referring to a tag promoted on social networks.

Immediately, they did not wait for the reactions of the pro-revocation movements, who took this as a threat. “Be clear: What will happen in 2022? Who will it happen to? Who are you warning / threatening? What is the prediction? Has he already aligned himself with Petro, finally? CLARITY is what he has lacked in Medellín. You have not hit the average and this prediction will not be the exception. “

And despite criticism and harsh opposition, the president, who He obtained 303,420 in the October 2019 elections, he has not done badly in the polls.

Although he does not have the popularity levels of his predecessor, Federico Gutiérrez, in the last polls of 2020 his favorable image did not drop 60 percent.

Similarly, Quintero closed the year by showing off his achievements, such as having obtained the resources for the construction of the Metro de la 80, a project that was in progress.

The year is just starting, but in Medellín they are already warming up for what promises to be a hectic political year, in the midst of the pandemic, and as a prelude to the presidential elections of 2022.


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