Coronavirus | Petro accuses the National Government of “pettiness” on the issue of vaccines – Congress – Politics


Senator Gustavo Petro, leader of Human Colombia, and the National Government are waging a controversy over the request of the left-wing leader made to Spain to send the surplus of vaccines to Colombia to face the pandemic.

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The former presidential candidate proposed a few days ago to the Spanish government to transfer part of its surplus vaccines against covid-19 to Colombia, since, according to him, that country like others in Europe bought more than 10% of the total doses it requires its population.

The request was made within the framework of a dialogue with the Spanish progressive leader Pablo Iglesias, vice president of Social Rights of the Government of Spain and secretary general of the left-wing party Podemos.

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“As a leader of the opposition in Colombia, I have proposed to the Spanish government, if it can sovereignly transfer part of its surplus vaccines against covid, to transfer vaccines to the Colombian government regardless of political distances,” said Petro.

The National Government, through the Foreign Ministry, disavowed Petro’s request, without mentioning it, in an official statement that says:

“In relation to press releases published in various media and social networks, related to steps taken by a member of the Congress of the Republic of Colombia before the Government of the Kingdom of Spain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the National Government , reports:

1. By decision of the President of the Republic, the only person authorized to carry out procedures aimed at obtaining access to vaccines or medical treatments to attend the covid-19 pandemic is the Minister of Health, Dr. Fernando Ruiz.

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2. As has been widely reported to the public opinion, the National Government has ensured access to 40 million doses of vaccines against covid-19, through bilateral negotiations with the laboratories Pfizer-BioNTech and Astra Zeneca, and its participation in the multilateral mechanism COVAX Facility. Colombia continues to move forward with different bodies and laboratories to expand the coverage insured up to this moment and move towards the social and economic reactivation of the country.

3. The National Government has repeatedly expressed its conviction that international cooperation and solidarity constitute essential foundations for overcoming the challenge posed by the pandemic and, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health, has actively participated in various spaces, both bilateral and multilateral, aimed at facilitating access to treatments and vaccines.

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Four. In accordance with Article 189 of the Political Constitution of Colombia,

– “It corresponds to the President of the Republic as Head of State, Head of Government and Supreme Administrative Authority:

2. Direct international relations. Appoint diplomatic and consular agents, receive the respective agents and celebrate treaties or agreements with other States and entities of international law that will be submitted for approval by Congress.

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Petro, for his part, reacted: “This is called pettiness,” he valued.

And he explained: “He is not a member of Congress, he is a leader of the opposition who tells the world that the entire Colombian society is united in the achievement of vaccines that guarantee LIFE in the country.”

“They cannot even understand a unitary message,” concluded the leftist leader and former mayor of Bogotá.

Petro disputed the presidency of the Republic in 2018 and reached the second round against the winner Iván Duque.

