Less burned at the end of 2020: Colombia registered a reduction of 30.76%



The National Institute of Health, INS, has just published through its Twitter account the first preliminary report of burns for the day of December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021, which leaves a balance of 103 injured, until 4:00 pm today. The figure contrasts widely with that of 2019, when 325 injuries were registered due to the mishandling of gunpowder.

According to the report, which is only updated once every 24 hourss, 43 of these incidents were recorded during the night of the celebration, while 60 correspond to the early morning immediately following. Likewise, it was reported that the departments that contributed the most to these figures are Valle, Tolima, Antioquia and Nariño.

Thus, a significant reduction in cases is recorded if the 2020 figures are compared with those of 2019: this year a total of 538 cases were registered compared to 777 in the past, which implies a reduction of 30.76 percent; of those, 187 correspond to burns in minors, which in turn are a decrease of 24.60 percentage points compared to 248 in the last period. However, there were more deaths: five versus one.

Other important reductions have to do with alcohol consumption, where there were 142 adults injured by gunpowder while they were under the influence of drinking, which means 94 fewer people than in the 2019-2020 period; and 11 minors burned while in the company of an angry adult, four less than in that period of time.

As published by the INS, the activity that has left the most injuries so far is the handling of gunpowder, which is related to 65.2 percent of cases. It is followed by its observation, with 19.9 percent, storage with 3.9 percent, transportation with 1.7 percent, sales with 0.9 percent, and manufacturing with 0.4 percent. hundred. The remaining 8 percent is attributed to other, unspecified causes.


Similarly, it was learned that in 92 percent of the injuries known to date are considered burns. Of these, others such as lacerations arise, which occurred in 69.1 percent of cases, contusions in 30.5 percent, amputations in 13.2 percent, eye damage in 6, 5 percent and hearing damage 2.4 percent of the time.

Finally, the report gives an account of the pyrotechnic articles that caused the most damage, with totes being responsible for 32.3 percent of the burns registered during the intensified surveillance period. Then there are the flyers with 12.6 percent, the rockets with 9.7 percent, the volcanoes with 5.9 percent., sparklers with 2.6 percent, whistles with 2.6 percent and balloons with 0.6 percent. There is 25.8 percent discriminated as “others” and 5.6 percent for which there is no data.

One of the cities that left the most burned on December 31 was Cali, where four cases were registered, to complete a total of 25 during the holiday season. The same number was presented in Bogotá, which closed the year with a balance of 40 injured.

At a departmental level, the Valley continues to lead, with 62 burned in the past month. They are followed by Antioquia with 57 (12 in the last 24 hours), Nariño with 52 and Tolima with 49. In the least, it should be noted that there were no burns in Guaviare or in the special district of Santa Marta. Only one hit; Cartagena, Buenaventura and Casanare had two injured each and Amazonas and Meta registered three per territory.

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