“Let’s reactivate our country”: this was the end of the year message from President Iván Duque


In the image, the president of Colombia, Iván Duque.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive
In the image, the president of Colombia, Iván Duque. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive

“It is time to all work together for Colombia”President Iván Duque said this Thursday, in his traditional message to Colombians at the end of the year. According to the head of state, Colombians can demonstrate their tenacity and resilience at this time.

“I believe that this is the only moment, this is the moment of demonstrating that reactivation is possible with everyone’s work, that we Colombians have nothing great left. And, much less, we can feel that at some point the desolation reached our hearts “, he assured.

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Duque mentioned that, amid the current situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, “We demonstrate that tenacity, that unique resilience. We show that we are capable of overcoming these barriers that 2020 has brought us and a year of hard work awaits us. But, also, a year where we will harvest everything that we have been able to build in solidarity ”.

In this context, the president stressed that this is not the time for divisions or to preach the class struggle.

“Let’s reactivate our country. Let’s not stop. This is not the time for divisions. This is not the time to vent hatred, much less to let ourselves be carried away by those who always want to preach class struggle and confrontation “, he asserted.

According to Duque, the reactivation is underway

Likewise, in one of the sections of his message, President Duque recalled that the National Government has already begun the process of economic reactivation of the country protecting life and health.

“The reactivation of the country is underway. With an investment of 170 billion pesos and the more than 550 projects that make up the new ‘Commitment to Colombia’ we will be able to generate more than one million jobs, grow sustainably, continue working for the most vulnerable and continue implementing the principle of Peace. with Legality, while we advance in the continuous strengthening of the health system “, he pointed.

“This year we delivered the La Línea Tunnel, we created a law for entrepreneurs, we modified the Tourism Law to reactivate this sector on which so many families depend, we assumed the pro tempore presidencies of the CAN (Andean Community of Nations), of Prosur ( Forum for the Progress of South America) and the Pacific Alliance to have a multilateral foreign policy focused on the well-being of Colombians “, he stressed.

Duke recalled that, 110,000 producers are already part of Contract Agriculture, the capacity to produce clean energy has been expanded seven times and the commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 51% by 2030 and to plant 180 million trees by 2022.

See here the full message of Iván Duque:

Likewise, he pointed out that in the new ‘Commitment to Colombia’ technology, the Orange Economy and culture are protagonists.

“Soon we will bring free internet to more than 14,000 villages and 100,000 Colombians will be trained in programming. In this transformation that also reaches connectivity with high speed, we are going to make it a vehicle of Equity. That is the digital transformation in Colombia with which we all want to reach the most remote regions ”, maintained the head of state.

The president also expressed his gratitude to health workers, soldiers and police, businessmen, workers and entrepreneurs, and to teachers, students, and mothers and fathers, for their contribution to face and overcome the effects caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

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“We take advantage of the fact that this is a moment to recognize those who have given everything at this time. Let’s recognize the health personnel. To all the doctors, nurses, assistants. To all of you, a thousand and a thousand thanks for saving lives and for showing the genuine scope of your love for Colombia, ”he said.

“To our peasants, essential workers, to teachers, caregivers, businessmen, entrepreneurs, to the men and women of our Public Force, to all those who continued to work from home: thank you. With his work, Colombia does not stop growing and getting ahead “said the Colombian president in his end-of-year message.
