Antioquia | Traffic Police officers beat a motorcyclist for not wearing a helmet in Bello – Investigation – Justice


Two traffic officers from the municipality of Bello, in Antioquia, were videotaped when they hit a motorcyclist who did not have a helmet.

The images show the officers trying to move the vehicle and get the man out of it, but without success, and one of them hit him, several times on the back and leg, with what appeared to be a bobbin.

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When they tried to take the motorcycle from him, what the agents did was throw it to the ground. Then the man tried to get back on it and was pushed roughly, falling.

The clip was recorded from a car that was behind the scene, happened last Sunday, December 27.

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The lesions

In a talk with the local media ‘El Bellanita’, the victim of the abuse, identified as Alejandro Quiroz and who in the video looks very calm at all times, explained the consequences of the attack.

“I have a dislocation in my elbow and a cracked rib”, he said, while noting that he was given a 25-day disability.

He also acknowledged that he did indeed commit an offense (going without a helmet) and that He tried to avoid the agents so that they would not fine him, “but nothing justifies their hitting me.”

Quiroz told the same media that he will file a legal action before the Prosecutor’s Office against the two agents for personal injuries.

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(Do you read us from the app? Here you can see the moment of the aggression).

What do the authorities say?

Rigoberto Arroyave, secretary of Mobility of Bello, said, in an audio shared by ‘El Bellanita’, that the agents acknowledged that they went too far in the process.

“But they justified themselves by saying that when they were going to immobilize the vehicle, the man was going to flee the scene and tried to run over one of the agents,” the official added.

Even so, he asserted that they reject “those forms”, since “We have spent the whole year teaching how to carry out the processes so that rights are not violated”.

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“The procedure is unacceptable and that is why we certified copies to the Ombudsman and internal disciplinary control to open an investigation to the agents,” he closed.

