Motorcyclist died in a traffic accident on the Ring Road this Wednesday


A man, still unidentified, died at dawn this Wednesday after suffering a spectacular accident on the Ring Road that connects Girón with Floridablanca.

The authorities reported that at around 5:00 am, the victim was traveling west-east on a motorcycle. However, after passing through the Newport College country house, he crashed into the back of a truck.

According to witnesses, the motorcyclist did not realize that the vehicle in front had stopped. The impact was so strong that the motorcycle was embedded in the body of the cargo vehicle.

The victim suffered a blow to the head and chest, for which he was unable to receive medical attention. He died at the scene of the accident.

For almost three hours, the transit from west to east was carried out in an interrupted way, while the accident was lifted and the body was inspected.

At this time, the pace was restored normally.
