Pablo Escobar: amulets and eccentricities to celebrate Christmas – People – Culture


The ghost of Pablo Escobar still haunts many Colombians. Some remember it with pleasure, others with hatred, but in general in Colombia when talking about him, there is a silence that recalls the horror that was lived in his time.

(Also read: The ‘ghost of Pablo Escobar’ still stains the image of Medellín).

Precisely on dates like this, when Pablo Escobar also instilled his terror with attacks such as the murder of the director of El Espectador, Guillermo Cano, had ‘amulets’ and eccentricities that seemed just as cruel to their actions.

(Also: ‘My left eye blew out. I wanted to die’).

This was revealed by his niece Laura Escobar, who in an interview with the newspaper El Heraldo, said that for her uncle prayers were required at this time and that precisely in his supplications he asked El Niño Jesús de Atocha or the Archangel San Miguel that neither his enemies nor the Colombian authorities would find him, much less the DEA.

(You may be interested: ‘Pablo Escobar’s hitman lied about the Avianca plane bomb’).

In addition, he said that he was wearing “A red velvet bag with a golden cord” in which he deposited five elements that represented health, abundance, prosperity, love and gratitude. Therefore, There he deposited a gold coin, a Turkish eye, a piece of stone and some golden object. This last amulet, Laura says, she used for New Years.

(Also: The challenge of building memory under the shadow of narcoculture).

In 2020, it was 27 years since that December 2 when the authorities of the search block killed with the capo when he fled through the roof of a house, in the west of Medellín. The debate about his figure as an icon after his death still causes controversy, especially when data like these are released, with which doubts are generated about his goodness or badness.

